in #indonesia7 years ago


Acehnese women, ACEH (ARAB, CHINA, EUROPE, HINDIA) mixed blood make Aceh women look like Europe and India. It used to be Aceh's history to be the trading place of the world's spices. In Selat Malaka are all gathered, Arabs, Chinese Europeans and Indians. So do not be surprised sometimes there is also aceh people have blue eyes, green, yellow brown. Like the area of ​​lamno Aceh Jaya, famous for its blue eyes, portugis blood descendants.

If you meet the people of Aceh bloody portugis do not be surprised if they speak the language Acehnya smooth, yes because they are native Aceh berketurunan Europe. In addition, Aceh Indonesia is famous for its world-class arabica coffee, the tag line is now mandatory for coffee to Aceh. The term Acehnya language "Jep Kupi nak Bek Pungo" drink coffee let me not crazy. The photo above is a Wine Coffee that is held by a woman from Meulborne (Meulaboh), coffee wine is processed long enough through fermentation. Many thought this wine coffee can make us drunk, but not. Because the term wine drink is drunk among people today. Who has been drinking this wine coffee?

The next post I will explain how the process of Wine Coffee. Thank you for looking at my post.

Greetings Stemian



Perempuan Aceh, ACEH ( ARAB, CINA, EROPA, HINDIA ) darah campuran membuat perempuan Aceh mirip-mirip eropa dan india dikit. Dulu sejarahnya Aceh jadi tempat perdagangan rempah-rempah dunia. Di Selat malaka semuanya berkumpul, Orang Arab, Cina Eropa dan India. Makanya jangan heran kadang ada juga orang aceh memiliki mata biru, hijau, coklat kuning. Seperti daerah lamno Aceh Jaya, terkenal dengan mata birunya, darah keturunan portugis.

Kalau ketemu orang Aceh berdarah portugis jangan heran kalau mereka ngomong bahasa Acehnya lancar, ya karena mereka asli Aceh berketurunan Eropa.

Selain itu juga, Aceh Indonesia terkenal dengan kopi arabika kelas dunia, tag line sekarang wajib ngopi kalau ke Aceh. Istilah bahasa Acehnya "Jep Kupi nak Bek Pungo" minum kopi dulu biar jangan gila.

Foto diatas adalah Kopi Wine yang pegang oleh seorang wanita berasal dari Meulborne (Meulaboh), kopi wine diproses cukup lama melalui fermentasi. Banyak mengira kopi wine ini bisa bikin kita mabok, padahal tidak. Karena istilah wine minuman mabok-mabok dikalangan masyarakat sekarang ini.

Siapa yang sudah minum kopi wine ini?

Posting selanjutnya saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana proses pengolahan Wine Coffee.

Terima kasih sudah melihat postingan saya.

Salam Stemian


gimana cara bikin kopi wine ini gan? enak kayaknya

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