Aceh should be proud to have Adnan Ganto

in #indonesia7 years ago

Aceh should be proud to have Adnan Ganto

Banda Aceh - Adnan Ganto is a figure to be imitated by the young generation of Aceh today. His tenacity and seriousness has led him as one of the counts and tens of years hapless across bankers in world-class banks.

This was conveyed by the man who was familiarly called Bang Wandi, in his speech at the Silaturrahmi and Syukur awards ceremony Honoris Causa Honorary Doctor (DR, HC) to Adnan Ganto, at Hermes Palace Hotel Ballroom, Tuesday (9/1/2017) night.

"Aceh must be proud to have Bang Adnan Ganto No Indonesian, especially Aceh, who is a director of Foreign Banks Unless Bang Adnan At that time, when Acehnese children were not yet able to speak Indonesian, Adnan Ganto Muda, who came from a remote Gampong in North Aceh is already proficient in English and works for Foreign Banks, "said Irwandi.

As well as his glittering success as a banker in several international banks such as Pierson Bank NV Amsterdam, Amro Bank and Morgan Bank, Adnan Ganto is also believed to be an adviser to the Minister of Defense, advisor to the Head of the State Intelligence Agency, advisor to the Minister of Mines and Energy and Advisor to the TNI Commander.
Even to this day, the graduate of Master of Harvard Busines School USA, still trusted as an advisor to the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs. For this one position, even been cultivated by Adnan Ganto since 1990.
Therefore, Bang Wandi hopes, the position of an irreplaceable Adnan Ganto despite the regime in Indonesia to change must be an inspiration and imitated by the young generation of Aceh today.

"The campuses in Aceh must be able to nurture and produce a young generation who can imitate the various things that have been his success. Opportunity currently exist in Adnan Ganto-Adnan Ganto young, can match like Adnan Ganto Tua? This is the duty of the rectors in each university to bring up Adnan Ganto Muda, "said the Governor.

Prof. Mahfud MD: The Danger of Scientists

Meanwhile, the former Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Mahfud MD, in short tausyiah advised the Indonesian cendikian and thinkers to imitate what has been done by Adnan Ganto.

"Mr. Adnan is an example of scholars who devote themselves and their knowledge to the nation and state. This should be imitated by many parties because nowadays in Indonesia a lot of emerging skilled artisans who work on order, "said Mahfud MD.

Scholar and Scientist orders intended by the former Minister of Defense era President Abdurrahman Wahid, is a scientist who gave and issued an opinion to order. In fact, in the concept of Islamic scholars should be able to combine fikir and Zikir.

"In fact, the scientist is not merely rely on his ability to think but also presents a dhikr in his heart. This is what will be able to make a scientist who ulil albab, the scientists who are not merely thinking but also remembrance or remembrance of Allah, "added Prof Mahfud.

Therefore, Mahfud MD advised on the importance of presenting the dhikr while producing fikir fikir, because it will keep the scientists and intellectuals from the fikir berimpang fruit.

"Well Mr. Adnan has done that, giving an objective opinion, not praising but not also dropping. He mapped and studied the problem objectively to provide solutions. This is what causes his position is not replaced even though the regime continues to change, "continued Mahfud MD.

On the occasion, Prof. Mahfud revealed that the scientist called Ulul Albab was basing the development of science and technology on at least 3 pillars.

The three pillars are science and technology and religion is an unchotomous unity. In Islam, science is a part of religion. Furthermore, Islam and the development of Science and Technology accepts completely rationality but rejects rationalism.

"This is dangerous, how the western world directs science into rationalism. It's as if something absurd is unscientific. Remember, Islam accepts the whole truth, even the progress of the Islamic world because science and technology is respected, but western understanding is slowly shifting it, this is dangerous, "Mahfud's message.

Pillar when, Science and technology should side with the benefit of the people. Although the methodology is correct, Iptek should not be developed if there is no guarantee that the developed thing is safe for the community.

"If it is not on the side of society, then science and its development is too secular will cause damage. The flow of positiveism which says that science and technology is neutral, this is the cause of the outbreak of world war first and second. Therefore, science and technology should be developed more human, so now emerging humanities sciences. "
"Adnan Ganto has proven, his knowledge is devoted to goodness, not science that can be purchased on order.

Therefore, let us continue to strive to become a person who is ulil albab, who always berzikir and thinking. Well our task is how to build Ulil Albab in us, "pungkas Prof. Mahfud MD.

A number of officials and former national officials were seen attending the Silaturrahmi and Syukur Graduation Awards Honoris Causa (DR, HC) award to Adnan Ganto, among them Widodo AS, Pagdam Iskandar Muda, Aceh Secretary, Unsyiah Rector UIN Ar-Raniry, Unimal and UTU other officials. (Ngah)



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