One More Aceh Cuisine, Fried rice Asam Sunti (Bilingual)

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)


Steemian. This morning my wife served a very special breakfast menu, which is asam sunti fried rice with a very delicious taste, let alone served with fried shrimp dish. My wife said the menu is a family breakfast menu heritage.

If your steemian friends are all eager to try the asam sunti fried rice menu. Here I share the ingredients used to cook a serving of sunti sour fried rice:


  1. 300 grams of rice
  2. Asam Sunti (Fruitstar) 4 seeds
  3. Red onion 3 cloves
  4. Chili Rawit 5 seeds
  5. Cooking oil to taste.
  6. Salt to taste
  7. Sweet soy sauce.
  8. Chicken egg 1 grain

How to make:
Make spices in the form: Asam Sunti, Red Onion and Chillies milled with ulek not smooth. Then heat the oil in a frying pan, then saute the spice that has been ground before and insert 1 chicken egg and stir until cooked. Then enter the rice and then fried rice added salt to taste ready to serve.

Overview of Asam Sunti

Asam Sunti is one of the cooking spices used by the people of Aceh since time immemorial. Asam Sunti rare seasoning is rarely used by other communities in Indonesia.


Asam Sunti Source Image

Raw materials to make asam sunti is the fruit star old. Then dried in the sun to dry. Below is a picture of sunti acid one of the cooking spices used by the people of Aceh:


Source Image Jemur Asam Sunti


Satu Lagi Makan Dari Aceh, Nasi Goreng Asam Sunti


Steemian. Tadi pagi istri saya menyajikan menu sarapan pagi yang sangat isteimewa, yaitu nasi goreng asam sunti dengan rasa yang sangat sedap, apalagi disajikan dengan lauk udang goreng. Kata istri saya menu tersebut merupakan menu sarapan pagi warisan keluarganya.

Jika sahabat steemian semuanya ingin mencoba menu nasi goreng asam sunti. Berikut ini saya bagikan bahan-bahan yang digunakan untuk memasak seporsi nasi goreng asam sunti :

  1.   Nasi 300 gram
  2.   Asam sunti (Belimbing Wuluh Kering) 4 biji
  3.   Bawang Merah 3 siung
  4.   Cabe Rawit 5 biji
  5.   Minyak goreng secukupnya.
  6.   Garam secukupnya
  7.   Kecap manis secukupnya.
  8.   Telur ayam 1 butir

Cara membuatnya:

Buat bumbu berupa :Asam Sunti, Bawang Merah dan Cabe Rawit digiling dengan ulek tidak halus. Kemudian panaskan minyak dalam wajan, lalu tumis bumbu yang telah digiling tadi dan masukkan 1 butir telur ayam lalu aduk hingga terlur matang. Kemudian masukkan nasi dan selanjutnya goreng nasi tambah garam secukupnya siap disajikan.

Sekilas Tentang Asam Sunti

Asam Sunti merupakan salah satu bumbu masak yang digunakan masyarakat Aceh sejak dulu kala. Bumbu masak asam sunti jarang digunakan masyarakat lainya di Indonesia.


Source Image

Bahan baku untuk membuat asam sunti adalah buah belimbing wuluh yang sudah tua. Kemudian dijemur hingga kering. Di bawah ini gambar asam sunti salah satu bumbu masak yang yang digunakan masyarakat Aceh.


Asam Sunti Sorce Image


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