
Try the following translator to help you out. I use it all the time so I do not miss out on posts in a different language. (give it a try. It will open up more to you) There are many languages you can translate into your own language.

Here is what it translate this post:

Hi steemian- Meulaboh Sports and Art Building (GOS) Meulaboh became the center of the performances of the cast of 23 districts / cities in Aceh to enliven the 71th National Cooperation of Aceh Province. Aceh Barat, is believed to hold a grand event that lasted for seven days.

Local products lying beneath the booths between the districts, were seen crowded on the first day of such an event. Although visited by government officials on the first day was opened the exhibition of National Cooperative Anniversary.

The enthusiastic community perceives all the booths centered in Meureubo Sub-district, West Aceh. If you want to see or buy Aceh local products, then you can go directly to that location. There is a wide variety of food, creative works and other offers.

For the same reason we know, West Aceh is the second host to celebrate the 71nd anniversary of the Acehnese cooperative, which previously or inaugurated in Bireun Regency. So this, become a pride for us all because it is believed to succeed this grand event.

At least, with the existence of such events can be entertainment for us all. The activity is not much different from the night market, but slightly different, the difference is here only sold in the form of works or food / drink typical of each region.

For example, Central Aceh provides a variety of specialty coffee brands daerah.Seperti gayo coffee, arabica and some other kinds. So did other regions also introduced a typical product.


thank you for pentunjuknya, I will use the link so that language differences do not make us difficult to communicate. @r2cornell

Some of my followers will do their post in their native language and then in English. All within the same post. It can help increase the number of people who read your post.

Beberapa pengikut saya akan melakukan posting mereka dalam bahasa asli mereka dan kemudian dalam bahasa Inggris. Semua dalam pos yang sama. Ini dapat membantu meningkatkan jumlah orang yang membaca posting Anda.

Thanks you.

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