Jancok Terrorist !!!

in #indonesia6 years ago

My original drawing

Yesterday, Three bombs exploded at three churches in Surabaya, many people killed and injured then in the night around 21.00 a bomb exploded at flat in Sidoarjo and killed three people. This terror tends to make chaos in our country but we are still strong. We know they try to bring religion conflict strategy in our country but we aware that is only their tactic to make us fight each other, we will stay strong and unity as brother and sister. This terrorist chooses the wrong target. Jancok terrorist!

For further news we can visit site Jakarta Globe


Its always so strange that this stuff never reaches our news here.

terrible what is going on dude! stay safe!

thank you, this is new kind of terrorist attack style. The doer has consisted full family member, they have relation. They became suicide bomber and exploded themselves almost in the same time even the location different.

Ini memang suatu musibah yang terjadi di negara kita. Bahkan tadi pagi terjadi bahkan di kantor polisi.
Entah ajaran agama mana yang mereka gunakan, sehingga nyawa manusia seolah tiada arti.

betul apalagi melibatkan anak kecil yang ikut jadi pelaku sekaligus korbannya, sungguh diluar nalar :)

damai itu indah. mari kita jaga bersama.

terima kasih, mari kita jaga bersama :)

I'm sorry that innocent people are dying.The Kingdom of heaven.

Semoga situasinya segera membaik, sedih sekali mendengar berita bom di Gereja kemarin :(

betul... ini keadaan sudah mulai kembali pulih seperti biasa. :)

Saya ikut berduka,
Saya senang dengan pemahaman anda, sangat disayangkan mereka yang termakan isu seperti itu sehingga menciptakan permusuhan (adudomba) antar umat beragama.
Sungguh pemikiran yang luar biasa.

kita berduka semua, betul semoga kita menjadi sadar dan bersatu melawan politik adu domba ini

Manusia yang tak berhati yang tidak mengenal arti toleransi

betul, oleh karena itu kita belajar dan mengajarkan toleransi kepada generasi berikutnya, itu yang menjadi tugas kita semua :)

Ya bang @happyphoenix ini mungkin ulah orang-orang yang mengadu domba agama di dalam negeri kita...

betul.. saya setuju itu, semoga kita tetap damai dan bersatu :)

My dear friend, I'm very sorry that such events occur in our lives! I seem to need to ask for protection from the Lord and believe in his power! I am sure that much can be achieved in unity and faith!

thank you, let's pray to the Lord for giving us protection

Now I intend to do this constantly in my prayers.

Miris banget, padahalkan kita itu berbeda tapi satu tujuan

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