Customs managed to thwart the export of objects of cultural heritage/ Bea cukai berhasil menggagalkan ekspor benda cagar budaya

in #indonesia7 years ago

Hallo all friend steemit ...!!!
I hope all of you are healthy and happy always.


This morning I went to the coffee shop as usual just to enjoy a cup of coffee while reading the daily newspaper.
Surprise me until I couldn't believe what I'd found in daily newspapers that. the first page immediately draw attention, there are pictures of human skull that had been carved in such a way and as I read the article that exists below the image that my heart felt sad.



There it is written that the Customs has managed to thwart the efforts of the export of objects of cultural heritage, dozens of human skulls at the suspect retrieved from Kalimantan and Papua in tell from the post office by someone from kuta, Bali towards Netherlands in gagalkan customs the tax due to the suspicion of the document does not correspond to an item in the send.

If money is so important so that goods of cultural heritage is eager to sell what's more it was a human skull. could they have forgotten identity, so any willing to do for the sake of money.
This could be a consideration for us, that not all can in Exchange for money, because in our lives there is only once given the opportunity, then please use preferably but not violate state law.

Thank you for visiting my blog.


Hallo semua sahabat steemit...!!!
Saya harap kalian semua sehat dan selalu bahagia.


Pagi ini saya pergi ke kedai kopi seperti biasa hanya untuk menikmati secangkir kopi sambil membaca surat kabar harian.
Betapa terkejutnya saya sampai saya tidak percaya apa yang saya temukan di surat kabar harian itu. halaman pertama langsung menarik perhatian, ada gambar tengkorak manusia yang telah diukir sedemikian rupa dan saat saya membaca artikel yang terdapat di bawah gambar itu hati saya merasa sedih.


Disana tertulis bahwa pihak bea cukai telah berhasil menggagalkan upaya ekspor benda cagar budaya, puluhan tengkorak manusia yang di duga diperoleh dari Kalimantan dan Papua di kirim dari kantor pos oleh seseorang dari kuta, Bali menuju Belanda di gagalkan bea cukai karena kecurigaan dokumen tidak sesuai dengan barang yang di kirim.

Apakah uang begitu penting sehingga barang cagar budaya rela di jual terlebih lagi itu adalah tengkorak manusia. mungkinkah mereka telah lupa jati diri, sehingga apapun rela di lakukan demi uang.
Ini bisa jadi bahan pertimbangan bagi kita, bahwa tidak semua bisa di tukar dengan uang, karena dalam hidup kita hanya ada sekali diberi kesempatan,maka gunakanlah sebaiknya tapi tidak melanggar hukum negara.

Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog saya.


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