
Hi, dude! @bullionstackers
You should not suggest that

Why not?
I want the #witnesses to see n read.
Is there a problem?

You hurt our feelings, because you told us to remove the #aceh tag we built together

Begitu bencikah kamu pada tag #aceh kebanggaan kami?

You have no Idea.... and you misunderstand.
You people fight All the time.
Indonesia ? Aceh ...? You people are the selfish Lot ...
You fight for What?

Only Five Tags Allow....
Up to you Good Bye ...
Don't Bother Reply to me ...

Use #aceh Tags , How Many people Support and Vote for #aceh Tag?

If I am misunderstanding, then you do not keep your comment, when you are campaigning for witness

You idiot , You do not understand and do not know what is happening.
All you see is #aceh tag remove....
Are you Helping @markzuk Lost?

Do you read All Post? And Vote For All Posts with #aceh Tag on?
If Not , Shut The Fcuk up!

Ha-ha-ha Akhirnya keluar juga sifat asli kamu.

Try to explain your intentions this?

Remove aceh Tag , because not much traffic flow

Can you Help @markzuk ?
If Not Fcuk Off

According to me, he does not understand or may not read the contents of my post, he just saw the comment, but we are looking for a solution to no longer events like this.

It's not about support or vote, it's about History and honor. And we always know that there is no support and vote for the #aceh tag

You also do not Support your Own Tag #aceh ??? Do you???
If not about support why are you Barking then?

You have Totally Clueless and Jumping the Gun..

Aceh tag is not about business, but about the vision of "Meusyuhu Aceh ban sigom Donya" (Acehnese Language). I understand that you do not understand the condition of our Acehnese.
Peace Bro!

I do not hate you, please do not say something useless about the aceh tag.

Maybe later i support you for witness.

I am not a witness !

You see , you still do not understand !

We now is build additional tag new #acehmacro

Oh, Terima kasih atas saran nya @bullionstackers

Hei hei whoever and wherever you are, one thing we should understand is that @bullionstackers did not mean to uderestimate anything and anyone, why he stated to remove aceh not because of he hate aceh tag, but because of he care of us. You know all tag has it own influences, and talking about the hack case, aceh tag have weakest influence toward the help, because most of aceh readers can not do anythin related to hacking, while maximum tag is only 5, we need to maximize it oke..use the tag which are more powerful to help any steemian..this is not about underestimating, but the way we choose to help each other.

Im gonna give example, the doctor cut our organ (surgery/operation), does he mean to kill? Does he mean to threw away our organ? Does does he mean to disrespect of human body? ...Ohhh GOD how could some people can not be well understanding with this clear messege..

Dokter memotong anggota tubuh bukan berarti dia membunuh, kita menghapus tag aceh bukan berarti kita benci, tetapi kita ganti untuk sementara dengan tag yang lebih powerful dalam membantu..jangan sampai apa syam geuntet mandum yang baca post kiban cara dibantu..

Dia menyarankan untuk dihapus dalam postingan ini saja, bukan selamanya..pesannya jelas disini, bukan untuk tidak menghargai, tetapi solusi untuk sekarang. Jangan ribut pada perkara kecil seperti ini, biarpun kita hapus tetap saja kita orang aceh..dan biarpun kita kasih tag aceh 100000 buah juga tidak akan langsung kaya

That's what I am trying to Tell him.
Even Aceh people do not read this.... or do they ?
What can they do? Find a Solution to resolve this?
They perhaps too shallow minded !

People sometimes do not understand the meaning, based on my opion meaning can be different with translation..people can not catch the meaning of your talk..they only get translation

Here is spam account again....

It is harmless now
Rep (-2)

Hahaha..but he has taken +60 rep of sombedy else

Maaf @elmubareki, ada baik nya kita membaca dulu isi sebuah posting sebelum kita mengomentari orang lain, kita harus bijak menilai apa yang orang katakan sebelum pijak orang, jika kita tau fungsi Witness di Steemit maka dengan senang hati kita menerima saran yang diberikan oleh @bullionstackers, karena tujuan @bullionstackers ingin masalah yang aku alami diketahui oleh Witness supaya mendapat solusi bukan sekedar kita saja yang tau yang tidak mengerti apa-apa, setidaknya tidak ada lagi akun yang diretas, coba berpikir secara positif ketika orang menyampaikan sesuatu agar tidak mudah salah faham.
@bullionstackers tidak membenci #aceh tapi dia ingin Witness mengetahui kejadian ini.

Precisely !
Word by words.
Bicara tentang solution , tapi dia tak paham.
Kampung People , what can I say !

Save your heart and be patient my brother, later he will understand.

Hek that aneuk muda hahahah

semangat bang, seegra ubah lagi passwordnya, kalau bisa ubahlah beberpaa kali.
semoga ini pelajaran yang terakhir kalinya bang.

semangat terus, semoga nanti yang hilagn bisa tergantikan lagi.
sudahi masalah tag itu, apa ga jenuh berantem begituan terus?

Ya bang.... Semoga aja kembali ke tangan yg sah...

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