Sentuhanmu Menyikapi Hidupku # (Your Touch Dealing With My Life)

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Salam Sahabat Steemian


Wahai pelangi yang bertahta dikala pagi
Wahai sang jingga yang bertengger dibibir senja
Wahai sang purnama yang bercahaya diserambi malam

Lentur perangai elok menawan
Ramah bertutur disela sapaan
Kita tersekat singgasana yang jauh berbeda
Kau berhias kilauan di istana yang bercahaya
Sedangkan diri hanya kepulan debu dipadang nan kerontang

Wahai jelmaan para dewi cinta
Sungguh hayalan yang berlebih
Bagi jasad yang hina ini
Untuk menggapai menjamah sentuhan indahmu
Apa lagi berada dalam hangat dekapan mu

Sungguh diri terlalu lena terhanyut angan
Walau hasrat tak bisa tertepis oleh rasa yang membuta
Membutakan mata terhayal dalam senggama cintamu...


Dear Steemit Friends


O rainbow that reigns in the morning
Oh the orange is perched on the twilight
O the luminous full-moon on the night

Splendid beautiful elegant temperament
Friendly speak in the greeting
We are caught in a far different throne
You're glittering in the glowing palace
While the self only a puff of dust on the field nan kerontang

Oh the incarnation of the goddess of love
What an exaggerated fantasy
For this despicable body
To reach out to touch your beautiful touch
What else is in your warm arms

Really too self-absorbed
Despite the desire can not be pushed aside by a blind taste
Blind eyes in your love intercourse...

Thank you very much all my best friends...



Good post Mr.@boyelleq
I will upvote and resteem 🖒🖒

Thank you my best friend...

U'r welcome😊

Wow.... this is a very soft phrase ... about the deepest heart ... honest ... and full of vigor! bravo!

Thanks for your my best friend in your good comment....

Good poetry... Mr.@boyelleq... and very touching my heart hehe

Thanks for your touching my friends...
Thank you very much...

Akankah itu nyata berlaku,
Atau hanya kata membisu...???

Terima kasih kakak..
Salam sukses my best sister in the steemit world

Memang droneh masboy hanale ubat,, bekah lagak. Merijeh imata lon wate lon baca.

Beukah kalinyooo...
Bak eh2....

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