desa Lesten yang belum "merdeka"(the village of Lesten that has not been "independent") bilingual English & indonesia

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemian.

[ENG] Today I share the story of an area that is still isolated with other words, there is no electricity and adequate road access, I quote from several,[scurce website]( village listen to be isolated in the gayo lues subdistrict pining, a fact that is not covered by the mind's eye, 70 years Indonesia is already independent, there are still areas that can be said, such as not yet independent.

do not have realized, there are still villages in this country who have never enjoyed electric lighting as much as, although there is solar electricity but durability only some time.

[image scurce]
do not be surprised if there are children do not know luxury cars, because the access road is so ugly.In Lesten there is only a modest Pustu, and an elementary school that is often short of teachers, the people there have never felt the joy of independence, as gained by other villages in Gayo Lues's corner.

Do not be surprised, there is no obligation to learn, many children drop out of school. The Villagers of Lesten have no future, no idea of ​​the development of the outside world. The village was closed from the flow of information, originally like the '60s, to send information with a piece of paper, "it takes 2-3 hours to go to John Deere's Tractor to Lesten Village," Aman Amat told local residents,
scurce image
So do not imagine, every house there is one television, or an iron or rice cooker. There is only darkness and the sound of crickets with birds chirping in shout, always waiting for dawn to come. If at 20:30 pm night has arrived, after Shalat Isya at the nearest mosque at the end of the village, no more busy residents. All the residents have locked the door of the house, snoring until dawn rises.
If you want to buy salt and household necessities weekly, residents must ensure the departure schedule of John Deere Tractor, because not every time the departure is there. And the cost is also charged between 20-30 thousand per head plus the cost of goods.

It seems that the government never built the road of Lesten village inhabited by 64 families, even if there is only leveled with bulldozers, only for the benefit of officials who will pass, as well as the wooden mafia who haunt. Muddy roads and buffalo puddles are indeed occasionally passable by two-wheeled vehicles, but must be proficient and the vehicle is also an option.


* the attention of central and local governments * askes the way is made * micro hydro power plant.
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Hari ini saya membagikan cerita sebuah daerah yang masih terisolir dengan kata lain, belum ada listrik dan akses jalan yang memadai, scurce websitedesa listen terisolir ditimur gayo lues kecamatan pining, fakta yang tak tertutup oleh mata batin, 70 tahun indonesia sudah merdeka, masih ada daerah yang bisa dikatakan, seperti belum merdeka.
Tampa disadari,ternyata masih ada desa di negeri ini yang belum pernah menikmati penerangan listrik semaksimal,walau ada listrik tenaga surya tetapi daya tahan hanya beberapa waktu.

image scurcetidak heran kalau disana anak-anak belum mengenal Mobil mewah, karena akses jalan yang begitu jelek. Di Lesten hanya ada Pustu ala kadarnya, dan Sekolah Dasar yang sering kekurangan guru, masyarakat di sana tidak pernah merasakan nikmatnya kemerdekaan, seperti yang diperoleh layaknya kampung-kampung lain di sudut Gayo Lues.

Jangan heran, di sana tak laku wajib belajar, banyak anak putus sekolah. Warga Desa Lesten tidak memiliki masa depan, tak tahu perkembangan dunia luar. Desa itu tertutup dari arus informasi, sedianya seperti era 60-an, untuk mengirim informasi harus dengan secarik kertas, “ butuh waktu 2-3 jam perjalanan dengan Traktor John Deere ke Desa Lesten, “ kata Aman Amat penduduk setempat,
scurce Image
Maka jangan bayangkan, setiap rumah ada satu televisi, atau setrika maupun rice cooker. Disana hanya ada kegelapan dan suara jangkrik bersama kicau burung yang bersahutan, senantiasa setia menanti terbitnya fajar. Jika pukul 20.30 WIB malam sudah tiba, setelah Shalat Isya di masjid terdekat di ujung desa, tak ada lagi kesibukan warga. Semua penduduk sudah mengunci pintu rumah, mendengkur hingga fajar terbit.
Jika mau ke pekan membeli garam dan keperluan rumah tangga, warga harus memastikan jadwal keberangkatan Traktor John Deere, karena tidak setiap waktu keberangkatan itu ada. Dan biaya ongkos juga dikenakan antara 20-30 ribu per kepala ditambah ongkos barang.

Sepertinya pemerintah tak pernah membangun jalan desa Lesten yang dihuni 64 KK itu, kalaupun ada hanya diratakan dengan buldozer, hanya untuk kepentingan pejabat yang akan lewat, sekaligus para mafia kayu yang gentayangan. Jalan berlumpur dan kubangan kerbau ini memang sesekali dapat dilalui dengan kendaraan roda dua, tapi harus mahir dan kendaraannya juga pilihan.


* dukungan pemerintah daerah dan pusat * akses jalan * PLTA Hidromicro
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Your best friend:



Ini perlu kita ekspos, disaat daerah lain semua telah memiliki akses yang bagus.
Semoga pemerintah tidak tutup mata terhadap hal ini.

daerah sangat terpencil dengan serba keterbatasan, terima kasih @atika

Terina kasih

This post has received gratitude of 35.00 % from @appreciator thanks to @atika.

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