the cat's conscience (nurani kucing)

in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)

Hallo stemians friends
This time I will introduce some of my pet cats that I have treated since they were small. Currently I have 12 cats ranging from the oldest to the baby
This is one of them, its name is blacki and nudhik

The big name is blacki, and the little name is nudhik. Actually they do not have blood ties, because nudhik is a baby that was once thrown away our home by people who are not tragic life
But now he is happy with us, the evidence just look at his stomach, it is a happy sign, especially blacki very dear to him and consider him as his own sibling
Yes that's what a pure cat conscience is without falsehood.

Hallo sahabat stemians
Kali ini saya akan memperkenalkan beberapa kucing kesayangan saya yang sudah saya rawat sejak mereka kecil.saat ini saya mempunyai 12 ekor kucing mulai dari yang paling tua sampai yang masih bayi 😂
Ini adalah salah satu dari mereka, namanya adalah blacki dan nudhik image
Yang besar namanya blacki,dan yang kecil namanya nudhik. Sebenarnya mereka tidak mempunyai ikatan darah, karena nudhik adalah bayi yang dulu dibuang kerumah kami oleh orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab.sungguh tragis hidupnya 😥
Namun sekarang dia sudah bahagia bersama kami, buktinya lihat saja perutnya, itu adalah tanda bahagia, apalagi blacki sangat menyayanginya dan menganggapnya sebagai adik kandungnya sendiri
Ya begitulah nurani kucing yang murni tanpa kepalsuan.


A 2007 Gallup poll revealed that both men and women were equally likely to own a cat.

Yes I agree
Because the cat is very funny animal, and I love them very much

There are approximately 100 breeds of cat.

I have 12 breeds of cat at my home 😀

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