The existence of a computer laboratory //Keberadaan Laboratorium komputer

in #indonesia6 years ago

The existence of a computer laboratory in the present time has been greatly excluded from the presence of laptops, note books and even tablets ... Everyone prefers to use these three devices, because they are easy to carry anywhere.

Whereas the computer itself must be used modestly, with an adequate supply of electricity, and of course using it is limited, if not at home, yes in the office.

The existence of a computer lab at school is now not used as it should, this is because computer lessons are no longer included in the learning curriculum, even though students are required to take computer-based national exams (UNBK), here of course the dilemma of one side of the government no longer prioritizes lessons computer, on the other hand there are still many students who cannot operate the computer.

This is evident from the experience of the author when he became a proxy during the UNBK implementation, many students experienced difficulties in operating a laptop or computer.

Indeed, we realize that our children have been spoiled by the presence of a smartphone, but it must be remembered if the operation of smartphones and computers is clearly different, there are so many program programs on the computer that we must learn and form all the people who can know the many things contained in a computer. especially in terms of programs.

In the opinion of the author, computer learning should still be given to students, more in the face of the millennial era which he said was based on 4.0.


Keberadaan laboratorium komputer pada zaman sekarang udah sangat tersisih dengan kehadiran laptop, note book bahkan tablet... Semua orang lebih memilih menggunakan ketiga perangkat tersebut, karena mudah dibawa ke mana saja.

Sedangkan komputer itu sendiri harus dipakai bersahaja, dengan pasokan arus listrik yang cukup, dan tentu saja memakainya pun terbatas, jika bukan di rumah, ya di kantor.

Keberadaan lab komputer di sekolah pun sekarang sudah tidak difungsikan sebagai mana mestinya, hal ini disebabkan pelajaran komputer tidak lagi masuk dalam kurikulum pembelajaran, padahal siswa diwajibkan mengikuti ujian nasional berbasis komputer (UNBK), disini tentu saja menjadi dilema satu sisi pemerintah tidak lagi memperioritaskan pelajaran komputer, disisi lain masih banyak juga siswa siswi yang tidak bisa mengoperasikan komputer tersebut.

Hal ino terbukti dari pengalam penulis saat menjadi proktor pada saat pelaksanaan UNBK, siswa banyak menagalami kesulitan untuk mengoperasikan laptop atau komputer.

Memang kita sadari bahwa anak anak kita sudah dimanjakan oleh kehadiran smartphone, tapi musti di ingat jika pengoperasian smartphone dan komputer jelaslah berbeda, sangat banyak prigram program dikomputer yang musti kita pelajari dan bentu semua orang yang bisa komputer tahu banyak hal yang terkandung dalam komputer, terutama dalam hal program.

Menurut hemat penulis sebaiknya pembelajaran komputer tetap harus diberikan kepada siswa, lebih lebih dalam menghadapi era milenial yang katanya berbasis 4.0.


Cikal bakal bengkel IT Lhokseumawe

Brother good & long post on computer lab

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Thanks too brother.... I hope Allah bless you and family

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