Resep Gabin Isi Tape Susu / Malkist Fill Milk Tape

in #indonesia6 years ago

Selamat malam teman-teman Steemian, malam ini udara terasa dingin, meskipun sudah pakai jaket tetap saja masih terasa dingin. Enaknya dingin-dingin begini makan yang bisa bikin badan hangat dan bikin kenyang. Saya pilih gabin isi tape.

Gabin isi tape rasanya manis, renyah dan mengenyangkan. Tape adalah makanan yang terbuat dari singkong yang diberi ragi, setelah melalui proses fermentasi maka jadilah tape singkong yang lunak dengan rasa manis dan asam.

Cara membuat cemilan gabin sangat mudah, resepnya seperti di bawah ini :

Gabin Isi Tape Susu

Bahan :

  • 1 bungkus gabin / biskuit malkist tabur gula
  • 250 gram tape singkong, lumatkan dengan garpu, buang sumbunya
  • 2 sachet susu kental manis putih
  • 1 sendok makan tepung terigu
  • 1 sendok makan gula pasir
  • Air matang secukupnya
  • 1/4 sendok teh garam
  • Mentega secukupnya
  • Minyak goreng secukupnya untuk menggoreng

Cara Membuat :

  • Buat adonan tape :

  • Campur tape dengan 1 sendok makan tepung terigu, gula pasir, 1 sachet susu kental manis putih dan garam sedikit saja, aduk sampai rata dan kalis.

  • Ambil satu keping biskuit malkist crackers, isi dengan satu sendok adonan tape di atasnya, lalu tutup dengan satu keping malkist crackers yang lain. Isian adonan tape sesuai selera, bisa tebal bisa tipis.

  • Panaskan minyak goreng da wajan sampai benar-benar panas, goreng gabin/malkist sebentar saja dengan api sedang. Balik gabin dan angkat, usahakan hanya satu kali balik agar tidak banyak menyerap minyak.

  • Goreng gabin sampai berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Angkat dan tiriskan.

  • Letakkan gabin isi tape susu di atas piring saji.

  • Hidangkan gabin isi tape dengan teh hangat.

Mudah ya membuatnya ? Selamat mencoba, semoga banyak yang suka. Terima kasih, selamat malam.

  • English Language :

Good evening Steemian friends, tonight the air feels cold, even though you already wear a jacket it still feels cold. It's cool to eat like this that can make your body warm and make you full. I choose the cork contents of the tape.

Gabin the contents of the tape taste sweet, crunchy and filling. Tape is a food made from cassava that is given yeast, after going through the fermentation process, be soft cassava tape with sweet and sour taste.

How to make gabin snacks is very easy, the recipe is as below :

Gabin Fill Milk Tape

Material :

  • 1 pack of malkist cork / biscuits sprinkled with sugar
  • 250 grams of cassava tape, pulverize it with a fork, discard the plug
  • 2 sachets of sweet white condensed milk
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • Ripe water to taste
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • Butter is sufficient
  • Enough cooking oil for frying

How to make :

  • Make tape dough :

  • Mix the tape with 1 tablespoon of flour, sugar, 1 sachet of sweet white and salt condensed milk a little, stir until smooth and smooth.

  • Take one malkist crackers, fill with a spoonful of tape mixture on top, then cover with another malkist cracker. Stuffing the tape mixture according to taste, can be thick can be thin.

  • Heat the cooking oil and frying pan until it's really hot, just fry the cork / malkist for a while over medium heat. Turn over the cork and lift it, try only one time back so it doesn't absorb much oil.

  • Fry the cork until golden brown. Lift and drain.

  • Place the cork filled with milk tape on a serving plate.

  • Serve the cork filled with warm tea.

Is it easy to make it? Good luck, hopefully many like it. Thank you, good night.

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