^^Lhok Keutapang - Hidden paradise in Aceh

in #indonesia6 years ago (edited)

^pantai lhok keutapang (Samsung J1 2016 Camera).

Sabtu, 5/5/2018 Trip Kali ini adalah tentang Pantai Lhok Keutapang Raya, yang merupakan salah satu dari tiga pantai ternama (para pendaki) di ujung kilometer nol nya pulau sumatera.

Terletak di Ujong Pancu, Gampong Lampageu, Kecamatan Peukan Bada, Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Dengan jarak 5-6 km dari Ibukota Banda Aceh.

Dengan berkendara sepeda motor hingga tiba di ujong pancu, anda bisa menitipkan sepeda motor di area rumah warga dengan sedikit merogoh kocek (lima ribuan / sepmor) dan motor anda Insya Allah aman.

Dengan perbekalan seadanya (perlengkapan pribadi, tenda, senter, jangan lupa air dan makanan) perjalanan siap untuk mulai. Melewati jalur setapak lewat meunasah / musalla (Bahasa Aceh. Red) anda akan tiba dengan keadaan mendaki lurus sepanjang 50-70 meter, lumayan buat (shock terapy) bagi yang tak perbah berolahraga, anda bisa beristirahat jika kelelahan. Kencangkan barang bawaan anda dan terus lah mendaki hingga mencapai spot pemandangan kota banda aceh yang sangat indah jika dilihat dari tempat tersebut.

Dengan treck mendaki hingga sampai bebatuan terjal, pertanda pendakian sudah mencapai 75 %, selanjutnya lanjutkan pendakian anda hingga memasuki kawasan hutan yang sedikit tampak laut biru nan cantik. Nah, anda sudah tiba di puncak gunung / bukit ujong pancu.

Selanjutnya anda akan berjalan menurun menyusuri hutan pegunungan / bukit ujong pancu hingga akhirnya menemukan padang rumput hijau yang indah, artinya perjalanan anda sudah tiba di finish, 100%.


Jika anda belum pernah melihat pemandangan seperti ini sebelumnya, artinya kelelahan pendakian anda akan terbayar dengan indahnya pemandangan laut biru nan elok, serta pulau bunta dan rangkaian pulau aceh di sisi kanannya.
Di tambah bebatuan karang diantara hamparan tepian pantai dan goa-goa indah di di ujung kiri semakin menambah kesyahduan terhadap pantai tersembunyi di ujung pulau sumatera.

Gambaran perjalanan tidak akan terasa indah dan nikmat hanya dengan membaca tulisan ini, tapi anda harus menikmatinya sendiri. Tunggu apa lagi ..
Lekaslah mendaki..


English Translation

Saturday, 5/5/2018 Trip This time is about Lhok Keutapang Raya Beach, which is one of the three famous beaches (the climbers) at the end of its zero kilometer of Sumatra island.

Located in Ujong Pancu, Gampong Lampageu, Peukan Bada Subdistrict, Aceh Besar District. With a distance of 5-6 km from the capital city of Banda Aceh.

By riding a motorcycle until you arrive at ujong pancu, you can leave the motorcycle in the residential area with a little spend (five thousands / sepmor) and your bike insha Allah safe.

With makeshift supplies (personal gear, tents, flashlights, do not forget water and food) the trip is ready to start. Go through the path through meunasah / musalla (Acehnese language Red) you will arrive with a 50-70 meter straight hike, just make (shock terapy) for those who do not exercise, you can rest if tired. Tighten your luggage and keep climbing up to get a spot of banda city view aceh very beautiful when seen from the place.

With treck climbing up to steep rocks, the sign of climbing has reached 75%, then continue your climb up to enter the forest area that looks a little blue nan beautiful. Well, you have arrived at the top of the mountain / hill ujong pancu.

Next you will run downhill through mountain forests / hills ujong pancu until finally find a beautiful green pasture, meaning your journey has arrived at the finish, 100%.

If you have never seen a scene like this before, it means that your climbing fatigue will be paid off by the beautiful blue sea scenery, as well as the island of bunta and the aceh island series on the right side.
In addition to the rocks among the stretch of coral reefs and beautiful caves on the left end of the increasing kesyahduan against the hidden beach at the tip of the island of Sumatra.

The description of the journey will not feel beautiful and delicious just by reading this paper, but you have to enjoy it yourself. What are you waiting for ..
Hurry up the hill ..


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