Games Addict : Tower In Rising Force Online [ IND | ENG ]

in #indonesia7 years ago

Games Addict : Tower In Rising Force Online

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Hai-hai steemians gamers selamat malam, apa kabarnya nih? semoga tetap baik ya guys. Pada malam minggu kali ini aku akan berbagi mengenai tower yang dipakai oleh job specialist pada game rising force online, setelah pada postinganku sebelumnya membahas tentang Long Range Weapons In Rising Force Online.

Hai-hai steemians gamers good night, what's up ya? hope it keeps good ya guys. On this weekend's night I will share about the tower used by job specialists in online rising force games, after my previous post on Long Range Weapons In Rising Force Online.

Tower pada setiap bangsa memiliki keunikan dan bentuk masing-masing, tetapi dibalik bentuknya yang cukup unik tower memiliki damage yang luar biasa untuk membunuh musuh atau saat pemain melakukan farming. Biasanya untuk membunuh musuh berbeda bangsa pemain dengan job specialist akan mengkombinasikannya dengan skill yang dapat mengurangi daya tahan armor terhadap serangan. Sehingga menyebabkan musuh cepat terbunuh karena kekurangan daya tahan.

The towers of each nation have their own uniqueness and shape, but behind its unique shape the tower has tremendous damage to kill enemies or when players are doing farming. Usually to kill different enemies of the nation players with a job specialist will combine it with skills that can reduce the durability of armor against attacks. So that causes the enemy quickly killed because of lack of endurance.

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Selain itu job specialist juga dapat memasang tower sebanyak 4 buah,sehingga pastinya musuh akan cepat mati dengan damage yang dikeluarkan tower. Apalagi berhadapan dengan specialist bangsa accretia yang dapat memberikan buff negatif agar potion HP (Hit Point) tidak regen, terikat , maupun tidak dapat mengeluarkan skill aktif apapun. Oke untuk menjawab rasa penasaran steemian gamers semua berikut penjelasanya mengenai additional potion pada game Rising Force Online.

In addition, the job specialist can also install 4 towers, so that the enemy will quickly die with the damage issued by the tower. Moreover, dealing with specialists accretia nation that can provide negative buff for HP potion (Hit Point) is not regen, bound, nor can issue any active skills. Okay to answer the curiosity of the steam gamers all following the explanation of the additional potion in the game Rising Force Online.


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Tower pertama yaitu tower bangsa cora, meskipun cora terkenal dengan warrior dan magenya yang memiliki damage besar akan tetapi job specialist dengan andalan tower juga patut diperhitungkan meskipun tidak sehebat job towerist milik accretia. Tower pada bangsa bellato hampir menyerupai bow yang besar yang dapat menembakan busuh panah sebanyak 2 kali setiap hentakannya.
The first tower is the tower of the cora, although the cora is famous for its warrior and magenya who have great damage but the specialist job with tower flagship also deserves to be taken into account even though not as great as the accretia towerist job. Tower on the nation of bellato almost resembles a large bow that can shoot as many as 2 arrows shoot every pound.


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Tower yang kedua yaitu tower milik bangsa bellato, Sama seperti pada bangsa cora meskipun job towerist bukan merupakan job utama ataupun job andalan pada bangsa tersebut, tapi setidaknya job towersit juga berfungsi untuk mensupport saat harus melakukan pertahanan dan serangan ke musuh. Selain itu juga sering dijadikan hitter saat melakukan perburuan "Pit Boss" monters yang tentunya memiliki HP (Hit Point) dan pertahanan yang cukup besar.
The second tower is the tower belonging to the nation bellato, Same as in the cora nation although the towerist job is not a main job or job mainstay on the nation, but at least the towersit job also serves to support when having to do defense and attack to the enemy. It is also often used as a hitter when hunting "Pit Boss" monters who certainly has HP (Hit Point) and a considerable defense.


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Tower yang kedia merupakan tower milik bangsa accretia, tower merupakan tower yang paling sakit ditambah attack speednya yang tinggi. Selain itu job specialist pada bangsa accretia dapat memberikan berbagi macam buff negatif yang akan mempercepat terbunuhnya musuh. Tower pada bangsa accretaria berbentuk mirip robot kecil berbentuk balok yang memiliki antena diatasnya.
Tower is kedia is a tower belonging to the nation accretia, tower is the most pain tower plus high speed attacknya. In addition the job specialist on the nation accretia can provide a shared kind of negative buff that will accelerate the killing of the enemy. Tower on the nation accretaria shaped like a small robot-shaped block that has an antenna on top.

Meskipun tower-tower diatas memiliki damage yang cukup besar untuk membunuh musuh, akan tetapai material yang dibutuhkan untuk membangun satu tower cukup mahal. Apalagi bila masih fresh atau pemain baru mesti cukup sulit mendapatkan biaya untuk membangun tower. Maka dari itu biasanya tower akan di pergunakan disaat tepat seperti saat war, saat defense maupun saat farming "Pit Boss" Monster. Sehingga biaya dan kegunaan tower akan sangat efektif dan efisien.

Although the towers above have considerable damage to kill the enemy, will remain the material needed to build a tower is quite expensive. Especially when it is fresh or new players must be quite difficult to get the cost to build a tower. Therefore, the tower will usually be used at the right time as war, during the defense and while farming "Pit Boss" Monster. So the cost and usefulness of the tower will be very effective and efficient.

Oke Steemian Gamers dimanapun berada, semoga penjelasan saya diatas dapat menambah wawasan dan bermanfaat untuk semuanya. Apabila ada tambahan bisa melalui kolom komentar dibawah, Terimakasih :D.

Okay Steemian Gamers wherever located, hopefully my explanation above can add insight and useful for everything. If there is additional can be through the comment field below, Thanks: D.

Wait For My Next Post

Salam Gamer's dan Terimakasih untuk @jodipamungkas , @curie and @playfulfoodie

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