Agoes Gaming - Learn to Understand Hero Shadow Fiend Game Dota 2 |Belajar Memahami Hero Shadow Fiend Game Dota 2 (Vol.64)

in #indonesia7 years ago


Hello Steemian ....! How is everyone...? I hope everything is okay Amiin .... :). Back again with me @agoesdeuge hehehehe, who is still comfortable to discuss about the heroes contained in the game Dota 2. No words have been bored for me to write and explain about this Game. because in this game not all heroes I explain, it is still my long journey to discuss Game Dota 2. On this occasion I will discuss the hero that I often play when in Match Tour, the hero who has great damage and reach last hit so far , the hero I will discuss is SHADOW FIEND.

Shadow Fiend is the Agility type attack (range) hero, which I often play in MIDLANE. maybe some of Steemian already understand to the superior of this hero, but it will be different from my discussion, Shadow Fiend have a skill that is difficult for us to control, which where skill of Shadow Fiend play our mind or instinct, skill 1 skill 2 skill will simultaneously level up if the shadow fiend level rises, it's just different range to excel this skill, skill 1 if your enemy is right in front of you, and skill 2 which reach only in the middle of hero, and skill 3 which is far enough range to we remove this skill, which has damage hanging from your last hit. let's see what skills + abilities that Shadow Fiend have and Roles in game.

Roles :

  • Hard Carry (Midlane)
  • Hard Nuker

Only 2 Roles owned by Shadow Fiend, because this Hero only special Free Hit from a distance to your enemy.


1). SHADOWRAZE 1 : The skill that produces the shards of fire from the hands of the Fiend shadow, with a range near the Skill range 200 radius. SHADOWRAZE 2: not much different from Skill 1 just different in Radius Skill range 450. SHADOWRAZE 3: Still the same as skill 1 and 2 only Range skill further than skill 1 and 2, Raze 3 Range 700 radius.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Damage Type : Magical
  • Pierces Spell : No
  • Base Damage : 90/160/230/300
  • Range Raze Skill 1 : 200. Range Raze Skill 2 : 450. Range Raze Skill 3 : 700
  • Bonus Per Stack : 80
  • Stack Duration : 8
  • Cooldown Skill : 10 Seconds
  • Mana : 90

2). NECROMASTERY : A skill that makes more damage than the other heroes, last hit creep to get the Damage, lots of dead creep too much damage we get. and better you buy Aghanim's scepter item to add more damage from 36 to 42.

  • Ability : Passive
  • Damage Per Soul : 2
  • Max Souls : 18/24/30/36
  • Scepter Max Souls : 22/30/38/46

3). PRESENCE OF THE DARK LORD : Skill that produces Aura when Ultimate is active, if necromastery skill does not get damage then it will not get this aura.

  • Ability : Aura
  • Affects : Enemies
  • Pierces Spell : Yes
  • Reduction : 3/4/5/6
  • Radius : 900

4). REQUIEM OF SOULS (ultimate) : Ultimate skill is very waaaaah to be released, very happy if this skill kluar with timing right in the middle of War Figth, beautifully seen and feel by your enemy. with the fire exit from the body shadow fiend hehehehe.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Damage Type : Magical
  • Pierces Spell : Yes
  • Dispellable : Yes
  • Cast Delay : 1.67
  • Movement Reduction : 25%
  • Damage Reduction : 50%
  • Reduction Duration : 5
  • Scepter Heal On Return : 100%
  • Scepter Damage On Return : 40%
  • Damage : 80/120/160
  • Cooldown Skill : 120/110/100 Seconds
  • Mana : 150/175/200

Skill and Ability Shadow Fiend I have explained above, hopefully for the Steemian read this will understand the function and abilities possessed by Shadow Fiend, then I will explain in more detail again using Video below.

Now I will take you deeper to create a very epic Shadow Fiend item to use and your enemies will be very hard to kill you with attacks that have great damage.


Starting Items: Wraith Band, +3 Strength, +7 Agility, +3 Intelligence. Iron Branch, +1 All attributes, Use: Plant Tree, Range: 200. Faerie Fire, +2 Damage, Use: Imbue, Cooldown item : 5 Seconds.

Early Game : Ring Of Aquila, +10 Damage, +3 Strength, +9 Agility, +3 Intelligence. Power Treads +45 Movement Speed, +10 Selected Attribute, +25 Attack Speed. Magic wand + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds. Infused Raindrops, +0.5 Mana Regeneration, Passive : Magical Damage Block, Cooldown Item : 7 Seconds. Bottle, Active : Regenerate, Cooldown Item : 0.5 Seconds.

Mid & Late Aggressive : Eul's Scepter Of Divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active : Cyclone, Mana : 175, Cooldown Item : 23 Seconds. Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds. Ethereal Blade, +40 Agility, +10 Strength, +10 Intelligence, Active : Ether Blast, Mana : 100, Cooldown items : 20 Seconds. Dagon, +15/18/21/24/27 Intelligence, +3 All Attributes, Active : Energy Burst. Mana : 180. Cooldown Item : 35 seconds.


  • Level 10 Skill talent tree : +10% Spell Amplification
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree : +40 Movement Speed
  • Level 20 Skill talent tree : +150 Shadowraze Damage
  • Level 25 Skill talent tree : 40% Cooldown Reduction

Let's see what are the advantages and disadvantages of this SHADOW FIEND hero.


Having an excess with a passive skill that results in damage if the lasthit is good. very profitable in early game and late game with big damage Shadow fiend got.
Having a shortage does not have the skills to escape unless you have a shadow blade item to disappear. and it is very difficult to control the Raze skills of this hero.

This is all I can share for Steemian, more or less I'm sorry, See you at the next hero.

REGARDS GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

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Hello Steemian....! Apa kabar semuanya...? Saya harap semuanya dalam keadaan baik-baik saja Amiin.... :). Kembali lagi dengan saya @agoesdeuge hehehehe, yang masih betah untuk membahas tentang hero-hero yang terdapat didalam game Dota 2. Belum ada kata-kata bosan bagi saya untuk menulis dan menjelaskan tentang Game ini. karena didalam game ini belum semua hero saya jelaskan, masih panjang perjalanan saya untuk membahas Game Dota 2. Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membahas hero yang sering saya mainkan apabila di Ranked Match, hero yang memiliki damage yang besar dan jangkauan last hit yang begitu jauh, hero yang akan saya bahas adalah SHADOW FIEND.

Shadow Fiend adalah hero Agility type attack (range), yang sering saya mainkan diposisi MIDLANE. mungkin sebagian Steemian sudah pada mengerti ke unggulan dari hero ini, tapi akan berbeda dengan pembahasan saya, Shadow Fiend mempunyai skill yang susah untuk kita kontrol, yang dimana skill Shadow Fiend memainkan pikiran kita atau insting, skill 1 - skill 2 - skill 3 akan bersamaan level up apabila level shadow fiend naik, hanya saja berbeda jangkauan untuk mengeluarkan skill ini, skill 1 apabila musuh anda tepat didepan anda, dan skill 2 yang jangkauannya hanya sampai ditengah-tengah hero, dan skill 3 yang jangkauan lumayan jauh untuk kita keluarkan skill ini, yang memiliki damage bergantungan dengan last hit anda. mari kita lihat apa saja skill + ability yang Shadow Fiend punya dan Roles dalam pertandingann.

Roles :

  • Hard Carry (Midlane)
  • Hard Nuker

Cuma 2 Role yang dimiliki oleh Shadow Fiend, karena Hero ini hanya khusus Free Hit dari jarak jauh terhadap musuh anda.


1). SHADOWRAZE 1 : Skill yang mengahasilkan pecahan api itam dari tangan shadow Fiend, dengan jangkauan yang dekat radius Skill range 200. SHADOWRAZE 2 : tidak jauh beda dari Skill 1 hanya beda di Radius Skill range 450. SHADOWRAZE 3 : Masih sama dengan skill 1 dan 2 hanya saja Range skill lebih jauh dari skill 1 dan 2, Raze 3 radius Range 700.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Damage Type : Magical
  • Pierces Spell : No
  • Base Damage : 90/160/230/300
  • Range Raze Skill 1 : 200. Range Raze Skill 2 : 450. Range Raze Skill 3 : 700
  • Bonus Per Stack : 80
  • Stack Duration : 8
  • Cooldown Skill : 10 Seconds
  • Mana : 90

2). NECROMASTERY : Skill yang membuat damage lebih besar dari hero yang lain, last hit creep untuk mendapatkan Damage, banyak mati creep banyak juga damage yang kita dapat. dan lebih bagus lagi anda membeli item Aghanim's scepter untuk menambah lagi damage dari 36 hingga 42.

  • Ability : Passive
  • Damage Per Soul : 2
  • Max Souls : 18/24/30/36
  • Scepter Max Souls : 22/30/38/46

3). PRESENCE OF THE DARK LORD : Skill yang menghasilkan Aura saat Ultimate aktif, apabila skill necromastery tidak mendapatkan damage maka tidak akan mendapat aura ini.

  • Ability : Aura
  • Affects : Enemies
  • Pierces Spell : Yes
  • Reduction : 3/4/5/6
  • Radius : 900

4). REQUIEM OF SOULS (ultimate) : Skill ultimate yang sangat waaaaah untuk dikluarkan, sangat senang apabila skill ini kluar dengan timing yang tepat ditengah-tengah War Figth, indah sekali dipandang dan rasakan oleh musuh anda. dengan keluarnya api itam dari badan shadow fiend hehehehe.

  • Ability : No Target
  • Damage Type : Magical
  • Pierces Spell : Yes
  • Dispellable : Yes
  • Cast Delay : 1.67
  • Movement Reduction : 25%
  • Damage Reduction : 50%
  • Reduction Duration : 5
  • Scepter Heal On Return : 100%
  • Scepter Damage On Return : 40%
  • Damage : 80/120/160
  • Cooldown Skill : 120/110/100 Seconds
  • Mana : 150/175/200

Skill dan Ability Shadow Fiend sudah saya jelaskan diatas, semoga bagi para Steemian membaca ini akan mengerti fungsi dan ability yang dimiliki oleh Shadow Fiend, maka saya akan menjelaskan lebih detail lagi menggunakan Video dibawah ini.

Sekarang saya akan membawa anda untuk lebih dalam lagi cara membuild item Shadow Fiend yang sangat epic untuk digunakan dan musuh anda akan sangat susah membunuh anda dengan memiliki serangan yang memiliki damage yang besar.


Starting Items: Wraith Band, +3 Strength, +7 Agility, +3 Intelligence. Iron Branch, +1 All attributes, Use: Plant Tree, Range: 200. Faerie Fire, +2 Damage, Use: Imbue, Cooldown item : 5 Seconds.

Early Game : Ring Of Aquila, +10 Damage, +3 Strength, +9 Agility, +3 Intelligence. Power Treads +45 Movement Speed, +10 Selected Attribute, +25 Attack Speed. Magic wand + 2 All attributes +1.5 Hp regeneration Active: Cooldown energy 13 seconds. Infused Raindrops, +0.5 Mana Regeneration, Passive : Magical Damage Block, Cooldown Item : 7 Seconds. Bottle, Active : Regenerate, Cooldown Item : 0.5 Seconds.

Mid & Late Aggressive : Eul's Scepter Of Divinity, +10 Intelligence, +2.25 Mana Regeneration, +40 Movement Speed, Active : Cyclone, Mana : 175, Cooldown Item : 23 Seconds. Blink Dagger, Active : Blink, Cooldown Item : 12 seconds. Ethereal Blade, +40 Agility, +10 Strength, +10 Intelligence, Active : Ether Blast, Mana : 100, Cooldown items : 20 Seconds. Dagon, +15/18/21/24/27 Intelligence, +3 All Attributes, Active : Energy Burst. Mana : 180. Cooldown Item : 35 seconds.


  • Level 10 Skill talent tree : +10% Spell Amplification
  • Level 15 Skill talent tree : +40 Movement Speed
  • Level 20 Skill talent tree : +150 Shadowraze Damage
  • Level 25 Skill talent tree : 40% Cooldown Reduction

Mari kita lihat apa saja kelebihan dan kekurangan hero SHADOW FIEND ini.


Mempunyai kelebihan dengan skill passive yang menghasilkan damage apabila lasthit dengan bagus. sangat menguntungkan di early game dan late game dengan besar damage Shadow fiend punya.
Mempunyai kekurangan tidak memiliki skill untuk melarikan diri kecuali anda mempunyai item shadow blade untuk menghilang. dan sangat susah untuk kontrol skill Raze dari hero ini.

Hanya ini yang bisa saya bagikan untuk Steemian, kurang lebih saya mohon maaf, Sampai jumpa di hero selanjutnya.

SALAM GAMERS @agoesdeuge

Original Image Screenshot From In Game Dota 2

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A very nice writing. The details in your review certainly will help those new Dota players.

that my plan... if newbie his can see my blog :)
thank @zulman

Nice Posnya.....
Teruskan Dan kembangakan :D

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