in #indonesia7 years ago (edited)


Selamat sore Steemian...
Sore ini saya ingin berbagi cerita tentang steemit itu sendiri, steemit kini menjadi perbincangan hangat di kalangan penggiat media sosial, saya mulai mendengar desas - desus tentang steemit sejak 2017 lalu, namun saya tidak begitu tertarik kerena saya pikir steemit itu sama saja dengan jejaring sosial lainnya hanya beda nama, kemudian pada awal 2018 pada saat senggang saya mencoba membuka beberapa postingan teman yang saya kenal, rasa ingin tau saya bertambah, semakin saya dalami, semakin bertambah rasa ingin tau saya tentang steemit, ternyata steemit bukan hanya sebuah jejaring sosial biasa yang kita gunakan hanya untuk sekedar silaturrahmi atau berkenalan dengan teman - teman di dunia maya, disamping bisa mencetak dolar, begitu banyak ilmu pengetahuan yang bisa kita dapat di steemit, di steemit kita bisa melihat potensi pengguna dalam berkarya.
Steemit telah mengembalikan semangat membaca saya, steemit juga mulai merangsang kembali sel - sel otak saya untuk berkarya melalui tulisan, bisa anda bayangkan dari jutaan fikiran - fikiran cerdas pengguna steemit yang di tuangkan melalui postingan - postingannya yang kemudian anda baca secara otomatis jutaan fikiran cerdas yang telah anda baca menjadi satu di fikiran anda. Seperti kata pepatah banyak tau banyak lupa, namun anda tidak perlu khawatir untuk lupa karena apa yang anda baca akan tersimpan otomatis di memori anda, apa yang telah anda simpan dengan baik bisa anda gunakan kapan saja anda membutuhkannya, layaknya sebuah file atau folder yang anda simpan di partisi sebuah hard disk.
Di steemit juga kita bisa mengukur kemampuan kita dalam menulis. Melalui komentar sahabat steemit kita dapat menganalisa tulisan kita kembali.
Steemit telah mengubah saya, yang dulunya saya hanya baca judul kini saya terangsang untuk baca isi.
Salam membaca, Salam Berkarya...
Terimakasih telah mengunjungi blog saya, jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar...
Follow dan Vote saya @agezz

Happy Evening Steemian ...
This afternoon I want to share the story about steemit itself, steemit is now a hot conversation among social media activists, I started hearing rumors about steemit since 2017, but I'm not so interested because I think steemit is the same with other social networks just different name, then at the beginning of 2018 at my free time trying to open some posts of friends that I know, want to know I grow, the more I dii, the more I want to know about steemit, steemit is not just a regular social networking that we use just for silaturrahmi or get acquainted with friends in cyberspace, besides can print dollars, so much science that we can in steemit, in steemit we can see potential of user in work.
Steemit has restored the spirit of my reading, steemit also began to stimulate my brain cells to work through writing, you can imagine from the millions of intelligent minds steemit users are poured through the posts - posts that you then read automatically millions of smart thoughts have you read into one in your mind. As the saying goes, many know a lot, but you do not have to worry to forget because what you read will be stored automatically in your memory, what you have saved well you can use whenever you need it, like a file or folder you save on a hard disk partition.
In steemit also we can measure our ability in writing. Through the comments of our steemit friends we can analyze our writing again.
Steemit has changed me, which I used to read only my current title is aroused to read the contents.
Greetings reading, Greeting Work ...
Thank you for visiting my blog, do not forget to leave a comment ...
By. agezz
Follow and Vote @agezz


thank you posting this information and it's good for my steemit

You are wellcome...

Steemit has restored the spirit of my reading, steemit also began to stimulate my brain cells to work through writing, you can imagine from the millions of intelligent minds steemit users are poured through the posts - posts that you then read automatically millions of smart thoughts have you read into one in your mind. As the saying goes, many know a lot, but you do not have to worry to forget because what you read will be stored automatically in your memory, what you have saved well you can use whenever you need it, like a file or folder you save on a hard disk partition. Amazing..!! @agezz

Thank you so much.....

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