Ketika Apam Aceh Rusak Akibat Prostitus Online {When Apam Aceh was Damaged Online Prostitutes}

in #indonesia6 years ago

APAM Aceh tiba-tiba populer di media sosial. Setelah terungkap kasus prostitusi online di Aceh, istilah apam pun terkenal namun dalam konotasi negatif. Apakah sebenarnya apam?

Apam merupakan penganan berbahan dasar tepung beras. Masyakat tradisional di pedalaman Aceh, memasak apam pada momen tertentu. Diantaranya, pada saat orang meninggal. Ketika jenazah diantar ke kuburan, kue apam ikut diantar pihak keluarga.

Setelah proses menguburkan jenazah selesai, pihak keluarga membagikan kue apam kepada anak-anak dan orang-orang yang hadir ditempat itu.

Tradisi Kenduri Apam juga dilakukan menjelang 27 Rakjab. Bahkan dalam perhitungan bulan Aceh, bulan tersebut dikenal dengan nama Bulan Kanduri Apam.

Inilah selengkapnya nama-nama bulan bahasa Aceh, Bulein Asan-Usen (Muharram), Safa (Safar), Molod Phon (Rabiul Awal), Ado Molod (Rabium Akhir), Molod Seululhieh (Jumadil Awal), Kanduri Bok Kaye (Jumadil Akhir), Kanduru Apam (Rakjab), Kanduri Bu (Syakban), Puasa (Ramadhan), Uro Raya (Syawal), Meuapet (Zulkaidah) dan Bulein Haji (Zulhijjah).

Kenduri apam biasanya dilakukan pada tanggal 27 Rakjab. Nah, pada 27 Rakjab sendiri merupakan peringatan Israk Mirak Nabi Muhammad SAW. Pada saat mengenang momen bersejarah tersebut, masyarakat Aceh melakukan kenduri Apam dan doa bersama.

Nah begitu mulianya Kenduri Apak dalam kehidupan masyarakat Aceh, iya kan? Namun kita sangat sedih ketikan istilah Apam tiba-tiba berkonotasi negatif. Semoga prakteik pelacuran online segera diberantas di Aceh ini, sehingga tidak hanya mengotori Serambi Mekkah, namun juga telah merusak istilah dalam Bahasa Aceh.


*************When Apam Aceh was Damaged Online Prostitutes************

APAM Aceh suddenly popular in social media. Having revealed the case of online prostitution in Aceh, the term is also famous but in a negative connotation. Is it actually apam?

Apam is a rice-based snacks. Traditional society in the interior of Aceh, cooking at certain moments. Among them, at the time of the deceased. When the corpse was escorted to the cemetery, the cake was brought along by the family.

After the process of burying the corpse was finished, the family distributed the cake to the children and the people present at the place.

The Tradition of Apuri Apam was also done ahead of the 27 Rakjabs. Even in the calculation of the month of Aceh, the moon is known by the name of Moon Kanduri Apam.

Here is the full details of the names of months of Aceh, Bulein Asan-Usen (Muharram), Safa (Safar), Molod Phon (Rabiul Awal), Ado Molod (Final Rabium), Molod Seululhieh (Jumadil Awal), Kanduri Bok Kaye (Jumadil Akhir) , Kanduru Apam (Rakjab), Kanduri Bu (Syakban), Fasting (Ramadan), Uro Raya (Shawwal), Meuapet (Zulkaidah) and Bulein Haji (Zulhijjah).

Kanduri Apam are usually performed on 27 Rakjab. Well, at 27 Rakjab itself is a remembering Israk Mirak Prophet Muhammad SAW. In the memory of that historic moment, the people of Aceh Kanduri Apam and prayer together.

Well, so noble Kenduri Apak in the life of the people of Aceh, right? But we are very sad when the term Apam suddenly connotes negative. Hopefully the online prostitution practitioners will soon be eradicated in Aceh, thus not only polluting the Serambi Mekkah, but also damaging the term in Acehnese.


nice, upvoted

Ka murah apam online sang..

Sabab apam khanduri

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