indo-STEM Report #6

in #indo-stem7 years ago (edited)

Hello Dear Steemian, Hopefully everybody still health to read STEM post on steemit, Today i Will Announce The Posts Curated by @steemSTEM  in this week base on #indo-stem tag.  

This is the 6th week of indo-steem project ince 14 November 2017, indo-STEM is a sub of #steemSTEM base on indonesian langguage or both indonesia and english to help the indonesian steemian to create STEM content. Bellow is the posts and author posts who have curated by steemSTEM in this week.   

Wednesday / Rabu


Does the building also have Transportation? By @fulsketch

The means of transport are not only in the sea, land, and the air, but also in the building, such as elevators, its function is to facilitate the circulation of human traffic in the carrying out activities in the building/apartment.

Apakah gedung itu juga punya transportasi? Oleh @fulsketch

Alat transportasi tidak hanya terdapat di laut, darat  dan udara, namun alat transportsi juga  terdapat di dalam gedung, contoh nya seperti elevator, fungsinya untuk mempermudah sirkulasi lalulintas manusia dalam mejalankan aktivitas di dalam gedunng/apartement.

Thursday / Kamis


Utilizating Bagasse In The Manufacture of Non Asbestos Brake Pads - Fiber Based By @azirgraff

The processing of bagasse into friction material manufacture of a motorcycle that occurred in the era of technology by utilizing the pith. Originally, The bagasse only used as waste in the community.

Pemanfaatan ampas tebu dalam pembuatan bantalan rem non Asbestos - berbasis serat Oleh @azirgraff

Pengolahan ampas tebu menjadi bahan pembuatan bahan friksi pada sepeda motor yang terjadi pada era technology dengan memanfaatkan empulur, memaawalnya, ampas tebu hanya dijadikan sebagai limbah di kalagan masyarakat.

Friday / Jumat


How Does Cement Mixer Trucks Work..? By @azizsuloh

By using Truck mixer, the casting process of a building can be completed in a short time, and the mixture of cement of the truck mixer is most perfectly while it compared to manual stirring, in a some journey, the truck mixer tank rotates 9 to 13 times.

Bagaimana Truk Mixer Bekerja Oleh @azizsuloh

Dengan menggunakan Trux mixer, proses pengecoran sebuah bangunan dapat di selesaiakan dalam waktu yang singkat, dan campuran semen dalam trux mixer juga sempurna dibandingkan pengadukan manual, dalam menempuh sebuah perjalanan,tangki trux mixer berputar 9 hingga 13 kali.

Saturday / Sabtu


Health Benefit "Lansium Parasiticum" Langsat By @anwarabdullah

The Lansium Parasiticum fruit is a type of plant that most growth in tropical climates especially in southeast Asia, its contains some chemicals that can serve as antioxidants. In addition,the Lansium Parasiticum also contains phosphorus that can increase the muscle strength.

Manfaat Buah Langsat Untuk Kesehatan Oleh @anwarabdullah

Buah langsat adalah jenis tanaman yang banyak tubuh di iklim tropis khusunya di asia tenggara, buah langsat mengandung beberapa zat kimia yang dapat berfungsi sebagai antioksidan, selain itu buah langsat juga mengandung fosfor yang dapat meingkatkan kekuatan pada otot.

Sunday / Minggu


The benefits of seahorses for the health of the human body Oleh @green07

The sea horses can be utilized for traditional cure manufacturing by way drying it in advance, The sea horses contain some chemicals such as chlorine, corotenes, magnesium, citric acid and others. Would be more useful if the seahorses are processed with a professional way by the experts.

Manfaat Kuda Laut Untuk Kesehatan Tubuh Manusia Oleh @green07

Kuda laut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pembuatan obat traditional oleh para nelayan dengan cara menjemur terlebih dahulu, kuda laut mengandung beberapa bahan kimia seperti klorin, koroten, magnesium, asam sitarat dan lain-lain. Akan lebih berguna jika kuda laut diolah dengan cara profesional oleh para ahli.

Monday / Senin


How to Grow Coffee Plants and How Techniques In Choosing The Type and Varieties For Cultivation ? By @azirgraff

The coffee plant can grow in various areas, but in some areas that have strong winds, the coffee plants must be protected by other plants such as lamtoro, if the soil conditions contain high acidic substances,it should be added a basic chemicals such as calcium phosphate

Cara Menanam Tanaman Kopi dan Bagaimana Teknik Memilih Jenis dan Varietas Untuk Budidaya? Oleh @azirgraff

Kopi dapat tumbuh di berbagai area, namun di daerah yang memiliki angin kencang, kopi harus dilindungin oleh tanaman lain seperti lamtoro, jika kondisi tanah mengandung zat asam yang tinggi maka harus ditambahkan zat kimia yang berbentuk basa seperti kalsium fosfat.

Tuesday / Selasa


The Working Principles of Remote Control and Components By @yoes

All types of remote controls use infrared to run a command on the remote, the infrared is not a visible spectrum class of light, but a receiver of a signal is read by the receiver as a photo transistor. A transmitter sends a radio signal at a frequency of 28.9 MHz

Prinsip Kerja Remote Kontrol Dan Komponen-Komponennya By @yoes

Semua jenis remote kontrol menggunakan inframerah untuk menjalankan sebuah perintah pada remote, inframerah bukan golongan spectrum cahaya yang terlihat, tapi sebuah penerima sinyal dibaca oleh receiver sebagai foto transistor. Sebuah transmitter mengirimkan signal radio pada frekuensi 28,9MHz

Thanks to @steemSTEM curators, @lemouth and @justtryme90 who have supported indonesian STEM content. and thanks for all Content Creator who have particpated their selves in indo-STEM project.

Follow and Join us in indo-STEM Discord Channel


Keep up the good work #indo-stem posters. Keep learning and thinking of how to best get your points across clearly. Our goal as STEM writers is to inform, but we should also strive to entertain our readers. Keeping their attention is a big part of them actually internalizing the knowledge you are trying to discuss.

Thanks for your attention for indo-STEM poster, we would try to increase our ability to write a STEM post and entertain the reader ;)

Nice the see this initiative getting better and better. Already more than 40 days old! :)

Thanks prof, this project has been runing because steeSTEM support

Not only... It in particular runs thanks to you guys! :)

Congratulations for excellent work, day by day strengthening the steemSTEM community. :)

Thanks @carloserp-2000, we try to improve STEM content day to day :)


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