Here, the composition of the Solar System and the Unique Facts

in #indo-stem7 years ago (edited)

Here, the composition of the Solar System and the Unique Facts!

Berikut, Susunan Tata Surya dan Fakta- fakta Uniknya

solar system


Sky is a magical word that can bring our imaginations soar to the space world.
Through the solar system we can know how great the power of God is. God has created the universe and everything, not only Earth but also the universe beyond Earth. This universe is huge, wrong if we only limit the world to the extent of the Earth. If one day we casually look to the sky, we will be closer to the word "solar system".

The solar system itself is a collection of celestial bodies centered on a large star that is the sun along with the object that surrounds it and is bound by its gravitational force.

Objects that encircle the sun have a variety of types including, there are planets, there are asteroids, there are natural satellites, comets and more.

Every object that surrounds the sun has its own orbital line so that between one and the other is very regular and does not collide with each other. The orbits of the celestial bodies are of varying shape, and the orbital shape of the planet is elliptical.

So we know that Earth as the planet we live in is part of the solar system.
In addition to Earth there are seven planets that also surround the Sun's sun along with the eight planets surrounding it are called galaxies, and our galaxy has the name of the Milky Way Galaxy. In the universe there are other galaxies, so it's possible that in other galaxies there are planets that support life as well as Earth.

  • The structure of the Solar System
    The solar system is an enormous portrait of the universe. Because too big, sometimes humans difficult to imagine what is in space there. The solar system itself can be regarded as a system that is structured and composed by various celestial bodies as its members.

To measure the size of this solar system is very difficult,
we can know the diameter of this solar system is 30 years the speed of light. Years of light itself is the distance traveled by light for a year, ie 9, 46 trillion km. Extraordinary. It is said before that the solar system is a structured system, hence the solar system has an arrangement.

In general the arrangement of the solar system is led by the great and hot stars that became the center, the sun. The sun is centered and surrounded by celestial bodies such as planets, asteroids, comets, natural satellites and so on. And the order of our solar system (our heavenly bodies) is as follows:

1. Sun.

The sun is a fireball we can feel to Earth. Because the sun also we can feel what it is day. Sunlight becomes a very vital thing for the life of living things that exist on Earth. Without the sunlight, life on Earth would be very difficult, even many living things that would not survive long. However, sunlight becomes one of the components that plants need to do photosynthesis (eating). Without photosynthesis plants will not live, that means there will be no food chain and all living things will also die, including manuasia. Apart from being a source of food chains, sunlight also has many advantages that make man easy in living his life.
Speaking of the sun, there is much we can explain. The sun is a star (the world's largest celestial body). 98% of the mass of the solar system is collected in the sun, so we can imagine the great sun itself many times the Earth's magnitude. According to research, the sun formed about 4.6 billion years ago from a fluorescent gas clump. According to astronomers, the sun is a second generation star formed by the explosion of the first generation stars. In general, here is information about the sun:

  • The sun has a diameter of 1,392,500 km long. and this size is 109 times the diameter of the Earth.
  • The sun has several layers, the corona, the chromosphere, the photosphere and the sun's core. More information about the sun layer.
  • The external sun temperature is about 4000 degrees Celsius. And the temperature inside the sun reaches 15,000,000 degrees Celsius
  • The Sun measures 332,830 times the mass of the Earth.
    That's some general information from the sun. In addition to the information that has been submitted above, actually there is much more information about the sun that we need to know.

2. Planet

The planet is also one of the celestial bodies that enter into the class of the solar system. there are eight pieces. In the past, there were nine planets in the solar system, but some time ago scientists agreed that one of the smallest and most distant planets was not in the planet category.
Planet in question is Pluto. The planet itself is a celestial body that can not emit its own light (unlike stars). The planets in the solar system have their orbits each around the sun's orbits of planets in the solar system is elliptical or
Here's the order of mathatri sorted according to the astronomer:

1. Mercury

Mercury became the name of the first Planet mentioned because it is closest to the sun. In addition to its closest location to the sun, Mercury is the smallest planet. This planet Mercury has a very hot temperature during the day and has a very cold temperature at night. Mercury thus does not support life. In general, the information we can know from the planet Mercury, among others, is as follows:

  • Is the planet closest to the sun, the distance Mercury into the sun about 58 million km.
  • Is the smallest planet in the solar system, has a diameter of 4862 km
  • Have a revolution (around the sun) for 88 days
  • Has many large craters on its surface, because of its close proximity to the sun
  • It has a temperature of 430 degrees Celsius during the day and -170 degrees Celsius at night
    That's some general information about the planet Mercury. The planet Mercury is also a planet that does not have an air or atmosphere layer, so the planet will not withstand sunlight entering its region.

2. Venus

The next planet is the planet Venus. Venus is the closest planet to the number two sun after Mercury. In terms of size, Venus does have a larger size than Earth, so we can sometimes see Venus planets resembling a star. When we look up, sometimes we will find a very bright and big star. That is the planet Venus commonly referred to as the star of the kejora. The general information from Planet Venus is as follows:

  • The planet Venus is in the orbit of Mercury and Earth's orbit which has a diameter of about 12,100 km, making it the closest neighbor planet to Earth.
  • Has a distance of 108 million km from the sun.
  • It takes 225 days to evolve
  • Has a surface temperature that reaches 480 degrees Celsius
    That's some information about the planet Venus. In the human view, the planet Venus will appear when the sun rises or some time after sunset.

3. Earth

The third planet that makes up the solar system is Earth. Earth is the planet we live in. Regarding what is on Earth, we must have known about how water is enough here, and everything on Earth is very supportive of life. Here is general information about Earth.
• It is the only planet that supports life
• Has a centerline size of 12,750 km
• Earth's distance to the sun is about 150 million km
• 2/3 of Earth's surface area It has a layer of air that always protect it, the atmosphere
• The Earth's Atmospheric Benefits are so many, keeping the Earth from falling heavenly bodies
• Have one natural satellite that is Moon.

That's some general information about Earth. As the planet we live in, we have much to know about the Earth, without having to describe it at length.

4. Mars

There is the Planet Mars, the fourth planet from the sun. Mars is also said to be a red planet. This is because when viewed from Earth then Mars is red. Recently there is something special from Mars, because the Martian state is almost similar to Earth. On Mars also found water. For more details, here is an explanation of the planet Mars:
• Has a diameter of approximately 6,780 km
• Has a distance to the sun about 228 million km
• It takes about 687 to complete its revolution
• Has a thin layer of atmosphere
• Has a dry surface state like Venus
• It has a temperature that is not too high, ie -13 degrees Celsius during the day and reaches -80 degrees Celsius at night.
• Has two natural satellites namely Demos and Fobos
Those are some general infections about Mars. And did you know that on Mars there is a very high mountain, which is twice the height of Mount Everest. The name of the mountain is Mount Olympus.

5. Jupiter

Next is the largest planet in our galaxy, namely Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet that has a yellowish color. Some of the information on this greatest planet is as follows:
• Has a diameter size 11 times the diameter of the Earth, ie sekiatr 143,000 km
• It has a distance of 778 million km from the sun
• It takes 12 years to destroy the sun's revolution
• Has 16 natural satellites, and the biggest one is Ganymeda
That's some information about Jupiter as the largest planet. Between Mars and Jupiter there is a collection of small sky objects called asteroids or planets. The planet Jupiter also has an atmosphere composed of hydrogen and helium gas.

6. Saturn

Next there is the Saturn Planet, also known as ringed planet. Saturn is the second largest planet after Jupiter. Information on Saturn's Planet is as follows:
• Surrounded by a gigantic ring consisting of dust and yellowish-colored particles.
• Has a diameter of 120,000 km
• Saturn's distance to the Sun is 1.428 million km, and it saps 29.5 years for one evolution
• It has 21 natural satellites, and the biggest one is Titan
• Has a cold surface temperature, which is about -145 degrees centigrade.
That is some general information about saturnus, because saturn is surrounded by a ring, the planet looks unique to the other planets.

7. Uranus

The seventh sequence is Uranus. Uranus is also known as the blue planet. Some information about Uranus Planet is as follows:
• Has a diameter of about 51,118 km
• The distance Uranus to the Sun is 2.869 million km and takes about 84 years to evolve once
Uranus's surface is covered with thick clouds
• Has 15 natural satellites, and the largest satellite is Ariel.
That's some information about Uranus.
And there is something unique from this planet, that Uranus has the opposite direction of rotation from other planets in the solar system.

8. Neptune

In the last order there is Neptune. Neptune is the most distant planet from the sun. Some information about Neptune is as follows:
• Has a diameter of about 46,600 km
• Neptune's distance to the Sun is about 4,495 million km and takes about 165 years to evolve once
• The surface temperature is very cold, which is about - 190 degrees centigrade
• It has two satellites ie Triton and Nereid
The color of the neptune Planet when we see it from the Earth is greenish tanmapk. The planet Neptune has some similarities to the planet Uranus, hence its parents are often said to be twin planets.
Well, that's some of the planets that are incorporated in the composition of the solar system after the agreement that Pluto, which was the ninth planet, as well as the furthest and smallest planet is not recognized as a planet anymore. The planets have their orbits minging and regularly circling the sun.

3. Asteroids

The next heavenly bodies that make up the solar system are asteroids. Asteroids (read: the characteristics of asteroids) are small celestial bodies scattered in the sky. The number of these asteroids is overwhelming and they cluster together to form an asteroid belt. This asteroid belt is between Mars and Planet Jupiter. The other asteroid belt is at the far back of the planet Neptune, which is called the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt. The asteroid belt is the same as the planet, which is equally around the sun. Some general information about asteroids is as follows:
• According to experts, asteroids are the remains of planet-forming materials
• The size of the asteroid belt diameter is about 100 km
• In an evolved, asteroid belt takes 3 to 6 years
• Asteroids are numerous, and the distance between an asteroid and another is thousands of kilometers
That's some general information about asteroids. Although the distance between these asteroids is far, but did not rule out that the asteroid collide with each other and produce smaller rock fragments called meteoroids.

4. Satellite

The next asteroid making sky object is a satellite. The satellite in question is of course a natural satellite. Satellite is a celestial body that surrounds the planet. So we can say that the center of the satellite is the planet itself. In addition to circling the planet, the satellite also turns on its axis (rotation).

Earth's natural satellites are the Moon that is always faithful to the phases of the alternating months. In addition to natural satellites, there are also artificial satellites. Artificial satellites are man-made satellites.

because man-made, of course this satellite is only found around the planet Earth. Artificial satellites have many functions, namely for communication devices, radio and television broadcasting, to Earth mapping.

  1. Comets
    Comets are also known as tailed stars. We may have often heard of comets. Comets are very numerous in the solar system, which is about 10 trillion. Comets are snow dust that is big as a mountain, but not visible to the eye. Comets are made up of a mixture of about a third of dusty stones and two-thirds of ice and snow. Comets are also the most distant celestial bodies that megatbit the sun.

From Earth itself, already several comets that managed to look passing. One of them is Halley's comet that becomes the closest comet to Earth. Halley's comet is named by Edmond Halley (1656 - 1742). Halley's comet is seen passing from Earth about 30 times since 240 BC, and last seen was in 1910.

6. Meteoroid, Meteor, and Meteorite

Other celestial bodies that make up the solar system are called meteoroids, meteors and meteorites. These names sound similar, do not they? One of these objects is a meteoroid.

Meteoroid itself is a celestial body that is small in size and is in the sky. Meteoroid unlike other celestial bodies that have a path, the meteoroid has no path.

Because it does not have its own path then sometimes meteoroid crashing planets, including Earth. When crashing into the Earth, the incoming meteoroids are called meteors.

This meteor when viewed from Earth it will appear glowing because it rubs against the atmosphere.

Most of these meteors run out of kareba rubbing against the atmosphere, but some will reach the Earth's surface. Meteors that reach the surface of the Earth is called the meteroit.
Meteors are often referred to as falling stars or shifting stars.

Those are some of the heavenly bodies that make up the solar system. A lot is not it? In addition to the heavenly bodies we need to know, we also need to know some of the outer space facts.
The Facts of Space
Outer space has many secrets that are hard to know by the people on Earth. Some facts stored in outer space include the following:

1. The hottest planet is Venus, not Mercury

Though obviously, the planet closest to the sun is Mercury. But this does not mean that Mercury is the hottest planet. Precisely the warmest planet is Venus.

The reason is because Mercury does not have an atmosphere that in fact is the absorber and retainer of sunlight. While Venus has a thick layer of atmosphere.

2. The earth is in the Sun.

The Sun is like Earth, which has atmosphere. The atmosphere of the sun is called the Heliosphere. This heliosphere has a range of up to 10 billion miles. So without us knowing Earth is included in the solar heliosphere.

3. The mass of the solar system

All things in this world must have mass, this also includes the solar system. The mass of the solar system, of 99.86% is in the sun. You can imagine how big the mass of this sun is compared to the mass of the Earth as one of the planets that surround it.

Those are some facts or secrets of the solar system that are not yet widely known to humans on Earth. In addition there are still many amazing solar system secrets and not much is known. This will add to the development of science to always do research.


Bahasa Indonesia

5. Komet

Komet juga dikenal sebagai bintang berekor. Kita mungkin sudah sering mendengar mengenai komet. Komet jumlahnya sangat banyak di tata surya, yakni sekitar 10 triliyun. Komet merupakan debu salju yang besarnya seperti gunung, namun tidak terlihat oleh mata.

Komet terdiri dari campuran sekitar sepertiga batu berdebu dab dua per tiga es dan salju. Komet juga merupakan benda langit yang paling jauh yang megorbit matahari. Dari Bumi sendiri, sudah beberapa komet yang berhasil terlihat melintas. Salah satunya adalah komet Halley yang menjadi komet paling dekat dengan Bumi. Komet Halley ini dinamai oleh Edmond Halley (1656 – 1742). Komet Halley ini terlihat melintas dari Bumi sekitar 30 kali sejak 240 SM, dan terakhir terlihat adalah tahun 1910.

6. Meteoroid, Meteor, dan Meteorit

Benda langit yang lainnya yang menyusun tata surya disebut dengan meteoroid, meteor dan juga meteorit. Nama- nama ini terdengar mirip bukan? Salah satu benda ini adalah meteoroid.

Meteoroid sendiri merupakan benda- benda langit yang ukurannya kecil dan berada di angkasa. Meteoroid tidak seperti benda langit lainnya yang mempunyai lintasan, meteoroid tidak mempunyai lintasan.

Karena tidak mempunyai lintasan sendiri maka terkadang meteoroid menubruk planet- planet, termasuk Bumi. Ketika menabrak Bumi, meteoroid yang masuk disebut dengan meteor. Meteor ini apabila dilihat dari Bumi maka akan tampak berpijar karena bergesekan dengan atmosfer.

Sebagian besar meteor ini habis kareba bergesekan dengan atmosfer, namun sebagian lagi akan sampai ke permukaan Bumi. Meteor yang sampai ke permukaan Bumi ini disebut dengan meteroit. Meteor sering disebut dengan bintang jatuh atau bintang yang beralih.

Itulah beberapa benda langit yang menyusun tata surya. Banyak bukan? Selain benda- benda langit yang perlu kita ketahui, kita juga perlu utuk mengetahui beberapa fakta luar angkasa.
Fakta Luar Angkasa

Luar angkasa mempunyai banyak sekali rahasia yang sulit diketahui oleh orang- orang di Bumi. Beberapa fakta yang tersimpan di luar angkasa antara lain sebagai berikut:

1. Planet terpanas adalah Venus, bukan Merkurius

Meski secara nyata, planet yang paling dekat dengan matahari adalah Merkurius. Namun hal ini ternyata tidak berarti Merkurius adalah planet paling panas. Justru planet paling panas adalah Venus. Alasannya karena Merkurius tidak memiliki atmosfer yang notabene adalah penyerap dan penahan sinar matahari. Sementara Venus mempunyai lapisan atmosfer yang tebal.

2. Bumi ada di dalam Matahari

Matahari seperti Bumi, yakni memiliki atmosfer. Atmosfer matahari disebut dengan Heliosfer. Heliosfer ini mempuyai jangkauan hingga sejauh 10 miliar mil. Sehingga tanpa kita sadari Bumi termasuk dalam heliosfer matahari.

3. Massa tata surya

Semua benda di dunia ini pastilah mempunyai massa, hal ini juga termasuk tata surya. Massa tata surya, sebesar 99,86% ada pada matahari. Bisa dibayangkan seberapa besar massa matahari ini dibandingkan dengan massa Bumi sebagai salah satu planet yang mengitarinya.

Itulah beberapa fakta atau rahasia dari tata surya yang belum banyak diketahui oleh manusia di Bumi. Selain itu masih banyak sekali rahasia tata surya yang menakjubkan dan belum banyak diketahui. Hal ini akan menambah perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan untuk selalu melakukan penelitian.



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The distance between planets is measured by some travelling statellite.
In solar system planets travel around sun becoz sun has linear magnetic power like earth but for sun it is spherical at a distance for every planet.
Sun must be a planet revolving a biv planet which also have magnetic lines.

yes yes, I agree and agree with youasifali123

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