Critics are always going to be present no matter what! So, why worry too much for this?

I think people could be as creative or effective as they let themselve to be, the problem is that many of them don't want to develop their entire abilities due to what other people could say or think about. 

In the history of mankind, the greatest men always are who don't really care about this kind of stuff. 

They somehow understood that what people could say or even think, it's their own problem which cannot be controlled by anyone else. 

No matter if a man has the best idea ever or has done the best invention ever, people would critize him anyway. I don't really know why, but always there is at least one person who seems to enjoy bothering others with everything they can. 

Do you think the internet was a good invention? Well, Robert Kahn has got lambasted when he had that idea for the first time and made it public. People told that Kahn was totally insane, how may be possible to communicate with another person around the world with an invisible connection? 

Sounds pretty tricky, isn't it? And at the end it has become into the best discover ever so far! 

But how this was possible? Kahn totally didn't care about what people were saying at the time. 

What about electric light? What about the cellphone? The same happened to them! 

Something that people are used to do, is see these kind of men by their final result. But they never know how they've reached to the top. 

They never know how many criticism these men dealt with. They never know how strong the character of these men were.

You may see a picture of Thomas Edison and think about "the man who perfected the electric light and made it to be worldwide". 

But, do you know how many critics Edison had received that time? People thought he was totally insane. 

I know it's difficult to go ahead when someone is saying you that you're wrong (Let's be honest, it really is). 

What i'm raelly saying is that no matter what, the people are going criticize anyway. 

In order not to let this to affect us so much, we need to understand that everyone are their individual version of themselve, what someone finds funny or attractive, someone else finds it irritating or silly. 

So, what the hell? Let them be or think as they want, you can remain calmed no matter what because you understand this important principle. 

Have you ever heard something about the Adidas propaganda "There will be haters" or "Haters are gonna hate" using Gareth Bale or Benzema as the image? It's something like that. 

So that you can be as great as you want, you need to stop worrying for others and start acting for yourself... Be a little more selfish. 

Individualism is what makes us the more advanced spice in the world, we can think different each other, and that's a good thing! 

Be your own freaking man or woman, that is the key. 

If you liked this post don't forget to upvote and follow @mynameisricky ;) thanks a lot for reading! 

All images taken from 

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