The Importance of Healing Death

in #indigo7 years ago (edited)

Diving right in!

I was looking for a couple of stories I have shared, but not as a replacement for my own spontaneous memories. I'm brainstorming ideas for stories to share and I thought of a really good one, although these posts aren't what I was looking for. I think they are really important though. In a recent post I started to speak on healing the body and its abilities to survive and heal and even live way longer than the status quo currently accepts. I was commenting here in real time on our responsibility for healing death, or unnatural death. Also on an article I saw speaking to the reincarnation tunnels within the planet. For interest.

April 18, 2016

Bridger wrote:
I would like to move along here...change my focus somewhat. For months now I have wanted to start writing about genetic differences and health issues that manifest among the general population that demonstrate a propensity toward a longer physical human lifespan than we are taught to believe in or accept. So I will start gathering my thoughts toward that shift of ideas. Soon.

I feel very tired. Not sure I want to dive in to this so I won't go very deep here. Yet.

I have had some pretty amazing revelations since I've been here (over the last week) and I tend to have these a lot anyway. But something I realized a few days ago, I even recorded it in my journal with thoughts of posting it here. WHY it is that we need to pursue the healing of death, or unnatural death, especially in the case of those humans who carry the genes that make (significantly) longer human lifespans possible.

Its because of what happens to our life force. You might say, it is like leaving something dangerous and powerful lying around for ...well, for irresponsible use by others. See, all black magic in this universe is powered by DEATH. So, for all of the people who have accepted death as inevitable when it isn't (for them) or who have been tricked into believing in death when it may not apply. Your life force (that has been abandoned by you, and is your responsibility) is being used for EVIL. It is your responsibility to own it and not give it away...basically because of how it is being power and promote evil and darkness and oppression in this world. You have a responsibility to own your life force and not allow it to be used in ways that are negative and unbalancing. If you came here, you can bet you have a contract with the rightful 'governing' entity of this planet -- The Mother -- and that is, to protect life. To protect HER.

Speaking of Archons and the NWO.

May 13, 2016

1111 views on this thread...

Been seeing 11:11 and also FOUR. Fours all over the place...fours are ...numbers that mean you assist others in their awakening...something like that. Facilitation. LOL, and I just realized. Day 4 of my fast...ha ha.


I saw this on FB:
Soul-Catching Net: We Are “Recycled” at Death to Remain in the Matrix ... ialnetwork

Pretty amazing article altho as usual, I'm here to add my spin on it all...give these half truths that continually pop up some true perspective.

This grid...I've been seeing it for years. No, I would have to say that it is a part of me. Yeah, sometimes it reminds me of a cage, altho I don't think that's exactly right. Maybe its a cage until self mastery happens. I think this is a planetary energy grid structure and I think that it has (unfortunately) fallen under the control of the NWO and their...goons, the Archons and others. But I think my connection to it, while doing 'the work' that I do, has allowed me to stabilize physical reality all of this time, within reason. And again, things are going to break loose, as they should ...I'm not going to be disarming the problems that I have in the past. (The point of it all was to allow things to free up enough for the Earth to move and heal herself without killing everyone so far). Just like with Ft. McMurray. What I've already done has taken a huge toll on me, altho I believe I am able to steer, because I can see so much of the big picture now. Think of me as managing the process rather than ...being forced into guardian angel slave labor on behalf of the NWO. I have certainly given a lot of myself to this healing process.

Knock on wood!

I used to have dreams about the 'recycling' process or the recycling of souls. I would see these chutes, like crazy winding slides..."inside" some huge structure (the planet?) and I would see people riding them, sometimes I would be riding them also. There always seemed to be an amusement park atmosphere, a sense of fun and not doom. I also had dreams connected to these structures, the dreams were of car lots and ...some kind of massive ...organization/presence? that had control over them. I always knew these dreams were referencing the current system of recycling souls and the 'used car salesmen'/body brokers were...corrupt? Think of the metaphor of body being a vehicle.

Everything happens for a reason, and I figure the reason here is that somebody or something HAD to ...step in and have control of this while the rightful ...ownership of this control...was healed or restored. Big picture questions going through my mind right now. Its the Mother, or the soul of this planet (God?) that owns control of this process. Only She hasn't been present to with all of this as it should be.

Why not?

Well, I keep being drawn back to this question over and over again. Lately. Back to the beginning.

That comet...the one that hit the planet so hard that it damaged the core (and the free energy generator within AND split Mars right out of the planet's center which I know now, after my AZ trip!) THAT, I believe, is what KILLED the soul of Earth. Only, you know that Christ metaphor, of death and resurrection? Or the phoenix? But I guess SOMEONE had to take some kind of control of it until 'things' could be fixed or worked out. Think of Denethor in Lord of the Rings? Stewardship. Not the greatest but maybe the only answer that 'God' had to solve this problem temporarily. And more and more I am becoming aware of how important it can be to feel grateful for the purpose "bad" things have served in order to let them go. The solution is to ultimately solve the problem. So those 'bad' things are not necessary now.

When I read this story I was reminded of Carlos Castaneda and The Eagle's Gift. There is a great eagle out there 'in consciousness' and the story goes (from Castaneda, this is in my own words)...that this eagle is the guardian of ...ascension maybe? When you encounter this eagle in death, if you do not have enough consciousness to continue, or to ascend (ie, having learned some valuable lessons and grown from them) the eagle gobbles you up. Or maybe, to make adjustments here based on my own understanding and this article get thrown back.

I believe this structure, this energy grid is a POSITIVE thing. It connects human beings, especially the Indigos, to the planet. In a good way, provided we all wake up and find each other and I believe that is happening. So that the magical humans that 'own' rightful authority here on Earth can stabilize it, facilitate things and protect everyone. We are stewards that are here to protect ALL life, without any conflicts of interest.

Speaking of the Eagle. My of my guides? I saw her a couple of days ago...I mean, I see her all the time. But when I saw her she put up her wings, spread tall on either side of me and they were both WHITE!! Remember I said that the eagle has been black and charred all of this time but she's been slowing turning white? The eagle is connected quite fundamentally to this grid. Or is the key to wresting control of it from the NWO and the Archons.

"I wish I could show you, when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being." -Hafiz

Taken from FreedomCrowsNest forum, "We're Not in Kansas Anymore, Toto." I wrote there as Bridger. PS. that was my last avatar quote.

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