****These Incredible Orcas are Asking for our HELP****

in #indigenous5 years ago

Today I feel so sad about our friends who live in the ocean, these beautiful Orcas, who are being threatened by the pipeline project that this canadian government has purchased with tax payers money. This puts us all at risk and we may not have orcas for much longer if this pipeline is built.

How can we allow this to happen? These are beautiful creatures and what about the rest of our friends that live in the ocean, such as the salmon?

This pipeline is an act of genocide against the Indigenous Nations because so many depend on fish for survival it is an attack against our ability to sustain ourselves by cutting off our food source. Not to mention that the land here in so-called BC is unceded, meaning that the Indigenous Nations have never surrendered their rights and title to their homelands here.

A Wise and Courageous man the late Arthur Manual in his book "Unsettling Canada chronicles the modern struggle for Indigenous rights covering fifty years of struggle over a wide range of historical, national, and recent international breakthroughs." (Amazon Book description).


HIS Daughter are Warriors and continue the resistance against genocide.

"In April, during the federal government’s consultations over the impacts from Trans Mountain, orcas showed up in the heart of our city and reminded us of how much is at stake if the TMX tanker and pipeline project is allowed to proceed.

You can help support our legal challenge along with the challenges from other First Nations communities here."
Taken from: Tsleil-Waututh Nation Sacred Trust Initiative

Please Donate: https://pull-together.ca

Wet'suwet'en Access Point on Gidimt'en Territory: https://ca.gofundme.com/gitdumt039en-access-point


On word: FUKUSHIMA! These Big Oil conglomerates are bad too and all but they don't compare at all to how bad Fukushima and HANFORD are.

I just found this amazing video about HANFORD.

Thanks so much for sharing this with me. That is so true, and there is so much more going on that is polluting our waters and I have to study this so I can get a full understanding. I believe that until we live with respect for our natural environment and an understanding of our connection to everything, then we will suffer. My Mom told me that she had someone staying with her that worked with Ocean management and she told her that the bottom of the ocean is littered with garbage.

We need to focus on cleaning our oceans instead of continuously polluting it, before it's too late. I believe that my days of being blessed with being able to consume salmon are numbered and it's sad that future generations won't be able to experience this.

This doesn't make any sense to me and it's beyond despicable. I'm going to check out that video now. You're Awesome!

The bottom of the ocean is also filled with dead sea life. I do want the bring the Big Oil conglomerates to justice just as bad as I want to nail the Nuclear Crime Syndicate. We have crapitalism to thank for all this corruption and lawless tyranny. As far as I am concerned it is Judgement Day for these criminals!

Well said and they are the biggest criminals of all time. It's so shocking that they get away with this and are never prosecuted. For instance, when there are oil spills, they pay a minimal fine and the tax payers pay for the clean-up and we all suffer the consequences.

I don't see crapitalism lasting for much longer. I pray that more people wake up soon so we can turn things around here.

I'm happy that there are people like you out there sharing helpful and important information with the public and i'm very thankful to connect with like-minded people like YOU.

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