No Thank you to Thanksgiving, a Celebration of Genocide.

Majority of my life I celebrated Thanksgiving because our parents and their parents and their parents-parents did so too. But about 2 years ago I was introduced to my culture as a Mexican/Native American/Native Tejana. In school us brown children were never told that a lot of us were in fact of Native American or Native Mexican (Mexica) descent. That the oh so great "explorer" (pendejo) Christobal Colombo slaughtered, raped and infected our ancestors with his disease, hate and Bible, killing anyone that refused to accept Christ into their hearts. Columbus and his men raped little girls as written in his own journal. These european parasites are deemed heroes in our school books. Lies all lies. I refuse for my children to be lied to and polluted with such i say no thank you to thanksgiving. Feel offended? Well so am i as i am the one that has been lied to as many brown/native/indigenous children have.


only person that sounds offended is you with your crying over something that happend over 500 years ago.
Ill be eating my turkey and stuffing being thankful for everything i have even if it is almost nothing.

Yes you celebrate your ancestors crimes. Wasicu.

Who said anything about celibrating crimes? im talking about being thankful for what i have and you are trying to twist that into me celibrating crimes? wow
Also what makes you think my ancestors had anything to do with the crimes that took place in the past? you have no clue who i am and making assumptions on it is not the way to go about it.
What was done to the indians was horrible and we should learn from it so we dont repete the past but crying over milk that was spilled 500 years ago is not going to accomplish anything, also trying to make people that are alive now feel guilty for somthing they have nothing to do with is not going to do anything but make people dislike you.
if anyone is trying to celibrate anything you are trying to celibrate victim status for something horrible that happend to people you never met in your life.
people that celibrate turkeyday are not celibrating genocide, would be alot easier for your biggotry if they were though right?

The educational system failed you obviously.

cause my spelling and gramer?

Kinda wrong to call me Wasicun btw im not telling lies or trying to steal anything. although im not lakota, dakota or sioux im not trying to steal your fat or bacon. also i do have a little cherokee in me i have been told but using that as a duragatory word for all white people is kind of rude. imo at least. also how do you know if i have any white in me at all? im not even going to use any of the ones for indians to you as an example but if i was to use one you would prolly take offence from it and it would be understandably so. what ever though i support free speech even if i disagree with it so call me whatever im use to it at this point.

Ah yess the famous cherokee princess grandma in the family bloodline. Sorry but that one is sooo used up. Many caucasians bought their way onto the dawes roll for $5 to gain free land....tricky tricky. And any one can be wasicu buddy even a full blood native.....its the actions that make a wasicu. Acting "white washed" can be done by virtually any race as white supremacy has its reign right now. My own sibling is so wasicu because she would rather bail out on her own mother for rent than show appreciation for all my mother has done for her and her 3 children for 3 years. Ungreatful petty desgraciada!

Wow, i am amazed how biggoted you are.
Am i wrong when i said it ment stealing the fat or baccon? or how before that it was for someone not indiginous and had powers, but that was before realition ships went south and the word took on to a negitive meaning of stealing and lying? you have no clue who my family is and if you know my grandfather or not is nothing, white is bad you keep saying and your new post you saying your trying decolonization. you talk about everything bad someone does is white and blah blah blah. stop judging people by their skin color, fuck. You mam might be the most biggoted and racist person i have met on steemit. that really sucks but at the same time i i dont judge my indian friends on your actions cause im not a biggot.
again what makes you think im "cacusain" or white or even have some in me? you are making assumptions and its not a good look when added to racisim. imo atleast but what do i know im just a bacon stealer according to you right?

Look we might as well drop it, you have a chip on your sholder and it isnt going to do me any good to listen to you try to bash a whole race of people for something some assholes did 500 years ago.
ima be thankful for what i have, does not mean im celibrating genocide.

Oh and this is the thing. You say for indigenous people to stop crying over spilled milk that happened over 400 years ago right? Well, obviously you do not identify as indigenous because if you did, you would know and be affected by the injustices still happening in the indigenous communities and countries today. Just because you dint see it on your facebook or in your daily news does not mean it is not happening guy. The reality for an indigenous child like my 3 boys is different from your childrens reality. You would have to be indigenous to understand. It is easy for you to say "get over it" because "it" is not happening to you. And never will.

no i said it does not accomplish anything. sorry but i dont think crying solves anything except a short stress relief.
it must be easy to say because someones skin color is differnt then yours they live in a differnt reality and they could never understand. Everyones reality is differnt. everyone of a whole race does not share the same experience. we are all individuals.

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