Enjoying the Mumbai Weather and Hoping for the Best

in #indiaunited4 years ago

Mumbai's weather has suddenly changed. Rains have set in, this is the best time of the year I like. I love rains in moderate proportion :-) and specially the first rains as the whole atmosphere and energy gets different. The month of May is always very scorching with heat and in June when the rain starts it feels like a big relief and from the heat the weather changes to pleasant, which changes the whole energy around.

But this time the rains have not set in the most pleasant manner. There is a Cyclone expected to hit the city today afternoon in Mumbai and hope that there is no damage coming through. Already a part of India is already hit with one cyclone and major damage has happened in that region, so do not want to see more of it. It's always good to see nature in a pleasant manner and not being destructive so praying that things remain smooth in my city and that we just enjoy these rains and cool breeze bringing cheer to the city. As it is pandemic is more then enough to handle.

So the next 2 days Mumbai city is in total curfew mode, due to the cyclone expected, not much of difference there because as it is we are still in lockdown.
Amidst all these chaos I am enjoying this weather and enjoying doing things I enjoy most. A few days ago I did mention that I am going to start working on shifting my energies and vibrations as it had gone down too much because of all the chaos in the last few months, and I am so glad that it is just working very fine. I am feeling the pleasantness again setting in within, I am relaxed and starting to catch up on life, though not much has changed except for my perspective. and this really proves how important our perspective is.

Last evening while it was raining, not very heavy, I was enjoying sitting in my balcony on my favorite cane swing with my cup of tea and my new read that I am hooked on to these days. So much of tranquility, the birds were chirping and the rain sound all of it was very soothing to my ears, the best music to enjoy on.

This tree in front of my house a few days ago was absolutely barren and now just in couple of days I can see it blossoming, such a beauty to the eye.



It's time to read :-)

Everything around looks fresh

I took a small video just to keep the feel alive


And the day ended with a soothing Meditation, just the perfect way to wind up

Please pray for my city that the cyclone just passes away and brings no destruction to the city.

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

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I like it to be more with a blistering heat @nainaztengra, it seems to be a challenge of endurance for me but hot weather is just beneficial for me because it makes me reduce fluids from my body via perspiration and I needed that because I do not urinate anymore.

when can I go to Mumbai,
I often see mumbai on television.
the artist is good. the city is amazing.
hope one day can get there

Seems you are on vacations. Have a nice time!

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