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RE: MY take on Sabrimala issue.

in #india6 years ago
Thank you for this writing, and explaining things in a different way than what I'd read in the news media. It also seemed to me that the custom of prohibiting women was a patriarchal decision and yes, demeaning women in a "form of Untouchability." I did not realize that there are eight temples to which men are not allowed, and that makes me think of things with a different light. I was born and raised in Western culture, where women are considered immensely inferior to men, so further slights against women make me sad and angry. But, thanks for helping us to see the other side of the situation.

Regardless, it is horrible what happened to the women, beaten and left for homeless by their families. A more compassionate treatment of the situation could have been achieved, I think. 😥


It is my pleasure that I was able to give you a better perspective on this topic. And I very much agree that a compassionate handling of this situation is in the best interest of all parties involved.

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