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RE: Is Steemit failing to retain members in the platform?

in #india6 years ago

I can't argue with any of your points.
But I can only speak for myself if I say that SteemIt stopped being about the money a long time ago. I try to stay true to myself, and for that I've been rewarded with one of the most amazing communities I ever saw.
The pay-it-forward mentality, people being prepared to work together and actually achieve goals. I used to get all worked up about everything that was wrong here (which is quite a list), but I had to let go of that, or I would have quit long ago.
Instead, I'm focusing on all the good things that are being done on this platform, the friends I made (which I never thought would be possible by interacting with complete strangers) and the fun we have.

There will always people that will rigg the system, and SteemIt is far from perfect, but I just keep doing my own thing, sticking to my own morals. And I know any others are doing the same.

I strongly believe in a new generation of people that have the right values to make this a success. Maybe we don't have a lot of influence just yet, but by sticking together, and helping eachother grow our accounts, this new generation will have the power to turn things around.
For now, we all might be rep 45-60, but imagine in a year from now: our influence will grow. And I believe a lot of these people will stick to their values, instead of turning into greedy little monsters.

Maybe hope is for fools, but if I compare where we are now compared to 6 months ago, I still believe we are the generation that will break the rigged system and make SteemIt a better place for everyone.

The hardest thing is to be patient ;0)


"I used to get all worked up about everything that was wrong here (which is quite a list), but I had to let go of that, or I would have quit long ago."


I completely agree with all your points @simplymike. It is so true that we made lots of good friends here and had a chance to be a part of many wonderful communities. There are definitely lots of positive takeaways from the platform. Even I don't really care about all the rigging that is happening here but still, at times I used to feel that the system would have been even better if we had a better way to handle abusers.

I agree, but we don't, so instead of getting frustrated all we can do is try to set a good example, hoping to get the message through to as many others as we can :0)

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