How do you help those who need help?

in #india6 years ago

India is a developing country and there are people here who live below the povery line. You can also get to see people who are begging on the roads as they don't have the basic necessities like food, shelter and clothes. Many of us shy away from helping such people thinking they are scammers, but that's not always true.
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I agree that there are cases where such people turned out to be thugs who loot houses or cars at gunpoint when the house/car owner show apathy towards them and come forward to help them by stepping out of their home/car. Many also believe that these people pretend to be underprivileged to make some good and quick money.

People believe that giving such people money is just a bad idea because then wmthey would spend it on unwanted things and again be back on the streets to beg again.

In my opinion the best way to help homeless people is to offer them food'. They can never say no to food if they are hungry and giving them food would ensure that they are eating healthy and at the same time not spend it on drugs and alcohol. I always make sure that I place a packet of bread or biscuits always opened in the hands of these kids along with a milk packet whenever I see them begging. Moreover, giving them money would increase child trafficking crimes in the country.


agreed, but where do we take food from?

Shops are everywhere. Take them along, get them food instead of money. I once took 4 kids to a near by mc Donald and got them basic burgers few years ago. I didn't click pics back then, I so wish I had. The happiness on their face was priceless. @wuzak giving these kids money would mean like giving their parents alcohol. Parents of such kids use them as bait to get money. Once they get it they spend it on weed and alcohol. That's the reason they never stop making kids. More kids equals to more earnings for the day. My mom once tried to take one of those females to a family planning centre. She had 5 kids and no means to feed them, but she refused. She said kids are blessings from God.

Good idea. Giving food is good

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