Do widows in India have rights to be happy?

in #india7 years ago

Being a widow in India is sturm und drang. Back in historic times widows were forced to burn themselves in the burning pyre of their better half. However the system was abolished, but people's thinking didn't change much. Widows didn't get much acceptance in the society. They were forced to wear white clothes and live minimalistic life. Temple visits, religious celebrations of their own kids, colorful clothes were all prohibited for these women who are already dealing with the turmoil of loosing their husbands.
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Why do only women get to follow these societal norms?
Are these women the reason for their husbands sudden or not-so-sudden death ? Then why are they forced to live a life like that. Does the society impose same rules on men who have lost their wife ? Not really, men can participate in every religious occasions and make their presence felt anywhere and everywhere. Then why are widows made to feel that they have lost a important part of their existence and cannot live a normal life.

With education people have changed a lot and so is their thinking capability. Now people are more open while dealing with widows. These women are not looked down upon for not having a 'mangalsutra' (marital chain) around their neck and 'chutki bhar sindoor' (pinch of vermilion) on their forehead.

There are instances that speak about the changing times. One such incidence is about a young daughter who got her mother married. Yes , Sanhita didn't think much before uploading her 55 year old mother's profile on a matrimonial website. She didn't even ask her mother's permission before doing so. All she thought was to give her mother a life that she actually dearly missed. She knew that her mom wanted someone to share the life with. Though her mom protested when she was requested to meet a widower, KG Gupta, but Sanhita was determined and won the battle against her mother. Proud Sanhita got her mother married and is now happy to see her mother wanting to enjoy every moment of life. She says that her mother is looking way more prettier than she was before.

There are many young mother's who are thrown into loneliness all because their partner were destined to live a short life. People around should understand that life cannot be lived alone. A partner, with whom you can share joy and sorrow, can make life extra special.


Noone should be subjected to torture feel r a crime they didn't commit, i believe they should be free to live without constraints

Yes... Very true.. I truly wish every daughter/son does what Sanhita did. Every man /woman has the right to live a colourful life much away from depression.

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Sure bro voted

Thanks a ton.

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