GK Current Affair July 20, 2019

in #india5 years ago (edited)

GK Current Affair July 20, 2019

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

1.0 Jewel ring is a marvel watched:

a. Toward the beginning of an all out sun based overshadowing

b. Toward the finish of an all out sun based obscuration

c. Just along the fringe districts of the totality trail

d. Just in the focal districts of the totality trail

2.0 Which one of the accompanying variables is in charge of the adjustment in the ordinary bearing of the sea flows in the Indian Ocean?

a. Indian Ocean is a large portion of an Ocean

b. Indian Ocean has rainstorm float

c. Indian Ocean is a land-bolted sea

d. Indian Ocean has more noteworthy variety in saltiness

3.0 Given beneath is a guide of certain nations which were portions of the recent Soviet Union, with water bodies appeared by concealed territories:

The nations checked 1,2,3,4 and 5 are individually:

a. Tajikistan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia, Kazakhstan

b. Turkmenia, Kirgizia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan

c. Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kirgizia, Turkmenia

d. Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia, Tajikistan

4.0 The standard time of the accompanying nations is in front of or behind Greenwich Mean Time contingent upon whether they are East or West of the longitude going through Greenwich.

  1. Cuba

  2. Greece

  3. Iraq

  4. Costa Rica

  5. Japan

Which one the accompanying successive requests gives the right course of action of the nations as per their standard time from ahead to behind GMT?

a. 5,3,2,1,4

b. 2,4,1,3,5

c. 4,1,3,2,5

d. 3,5,4,1,2

5.0 The idea of Anuvrata was pushed by:[1995]

a. Mahayana Buddhism

b. Hinayana Buddhism

c. Jainism

d. The Lokayata School

6.0 As indicated by Mimamsa arrangement of theory, freedom is conceivable by methods by:

a. Jnana

b. Bhakti

c. Yoga

d. Karma

7.0 Bronze symbols of Nataraja cast during the Chola time frame perpetually demonstrate the divinity with:

a. eight hands

b. six hands

c. four hands

d. two hands

8.0 As indicated by old Indian Cosmogonic thoughts the consecutive request of the cycle of four acons (yugas) is:

a. Dvapara, Krita, Treta and Kali

b. Krita, Dvapara, Treta and Kali

c. Krita ,Treta, Dvapara and Kali

d. Treta, Dvapara, Kali and Krita

9.0 The Amnesty International India has propelled which crusade to make mindfulness among youngsters to recognize sexual maltreatment?

a. Spare a kid, Save Future

b. Our Safety, our Right

c. Objectives set

d. Wellbeing is in Your Hands

10.0 Which of the accompanying urban areas is the setting of the fourth Asian discretionary partners discussion (AESF-IV)?

a. Banglok

b. Colombo

c. New Delhi

d. Bali


  1. Only along the peripheral regions of the totality trail
  2. Indian Ocean has monsoon drift
  3. Kazakhstan, Turkmenia, Uzbekistan, Kirgizia, Tajikistan
  4. 5,3,2,1,4
  5. Jainism
  6. Karma
  7. four hands
  8. Krita ,Treta, Dvapara and Kali
  9. Our Safety, our Right
  10. Colombo

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