
This is happening all around the world and will spread quickly now.
There is no need to confuse. We humans are conditioned to consume animal products since our childhood so we falsely believe that we can not survive without them. Meat-eaters think it's impossible to survive a healthy life without eating meat. But Indian vegetarians has proved this wrong with thousands of years of following a healthy vegetarian lifestyle. Now millions of vegans around the world from all walks of life have proved that thee is absolutely no need of consuming any animal product for humans.

Currently, I'm only spreading awareness among ethical vegetarians. Today, lacto-vegetarians are the most confused lot! They don't want to consume any animal products but find it difficult to quit dairy, honey, leather, wool, silk and animal rides.

if we can't take cows and buffalos milk then how we survive?

Mother's milk is enough for survival for an infant. In Nature, no adult drink milk or consume milk products except humans nor do any child consume milk from a mother of different species except humans. Take a clue from there! Every species' milk is custom designed for the health of the individual of that species only.

I think I completely understand , I also joined this anti diary mission and spread this.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great to hear this.
Welcome to the gang! 😊

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