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RE: India: Have You Filed Your Taxes Yet?—Benefits of Filing ITR (Income Tax Return)

in #india6 years ago

Sounds like you are one of the first to be ready, willing and able to have a bar code tatooed to your wrist or forehead so that life will be easier for you (visas, credit, bank accounts, PERMISSION TO BUY OR SELL).



I suppose you are right. As much as I would prefer not to do all of this it is necessary. Some crypto anarchists believe crypto will replace fiat, I prefer to be practical and realistic and know that sometimes you need to work with the system in countries such as India to go places. I'm self-employed so I have to do all of this for visa, credit card, loans etc. Although I'm living a life without any liabilities. No loans etc.

Things work differently in economies such as India. You've lived in India and you know how it is here. These things are a necessary evil which provides a comfortable and peaceful life if you play along with it a bit. I can't even get a BTC debit card shipped here. No one will send it.

Ofcourse one can go the cash route and not pay a dime to the govt but it has it's own pitfalls. As a self-employed individual, I can't even apply for a Visa (to US/EU etc) if I don't have IT returns.

But I wouldn't tattoo a tax bar code on my wrist or forehead though haha! :D I will move to a different country (I would love to) but it's not possible yet so I might as well make my life comfortable here.

To get to Europe for Steemfest I had do a mountain of paperwork which citizens of say US or Canada don't need to do. It's annoying but I have one life, and gotto make it count. Can't worry about things I have no control over such as govt policies. :D

Ah, comfort! What a noble cause! :-)

I somehow feel like you don't agree with all this. :D If it were financially feasible I'd move to Greece in a heartbeat and forget all this shit haha! I started from scratch, no silver spoon etc. So comfort is good :D

Love the track btw! Just what I needed to listen to at this hour in India.

Come for a visit (to Greece). My treat :-) Let me know.

The first time I headed to Asia, from Canada, I had $800, and about $80 left by the time I hit Constantinople (Istanbul) still headed for India. I ran out of money completely in Afghanistan (that was a trip and a half lol)) and had to perform a strategic retreat to the West for a year. Made it the second try, the next year, and spent six years in India.

I can't find any silver spoons in my background either - but I do have one or two now :-)

I'd love to visit. Infact, I planned this dream trip to UK for Isle of Man TT and Mugello, Italy this year for the MotoGP race. These two are from my bucket list as motorcycle enthusiast. In addition to these two I wanted to visit Greece, check out some of the islands and couple of Eastern European nations before flying back. But I had to cancel it due to the recent surgery on my leg, then this right shoulder-rotator cuff issue popped up again, and other things which needed financial attention. Ergo, I decided to save up a bit for rainy days ahead and wait a month or so in order to figure out if it's feasible do some of it atleast.

Btw, I have some similar experiences as yours here, albeit within the confines of my own country haha. I'll share it with you in Greece. :D I remember our conversations about your trips around Manali. I can only imagine how Iran and Afghanistan would've been like in those days. I'm picturing Rambo 3 in my mind as I write this.

I'll ping you on Steem.Chat in the morning IST. (do you still use it?) Maybe you can help me figure out a plan for Greece.

I prefer Telegram DM. I haven't used Steem.Chat for quite a while. But if you are not in Telegram I will fire up steemchat.

I am on Telegram. How do I connect with you there? Lemme know on chat if you cant post it here.

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