Movement against plastic to improve our environment

in #india5 years ago

I tell breaking new India.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said in the 'Mann Ki Baat' program this time that when Mahatma Gandhi's 150th birth anniversary will be celebrated on October 2, on this occasion, we will not only dedicate him to an open defecation-free India, but on that day, He will also lay the foundation for a new mass movement against plastics in the country.

Attempts to eliminate the use of single-use plastics would have to give the appearance of a mass movement. Society is also becoming alert in this direction. Many merchants have also installed placards in their shops, in which it is written that dear customers, bring your bag with you, so that the use of single use plastic can be eliminated. This will also save money and all the citizens will also be able to contribute significantly in protecting the environment. All municipal corporations, municipalities, district panchayats, gram panchayats, government, non-government institutions and every citizen of the country have also been requested to make proper arrangements for the collection of plastic waste. It has been appealed to the corporate sector that when all these plastic waste gets collected, they should also come forward for its proper dissolution.

It is very important to understand the terrible situation of plastic, especially single use plastic, how dangerous it is to the environment of the country, citizens, animals, birds, sea creatures, etc. Actually, plastic does not decompose easily and its form remains for about thousand years. The use of plastic in the world is increasing so much that the amount of plastic produced during the last ten years has never been so much. Out of all these plastic products, 50 percent plastic products are discarded using only once. Every year so much plastic is thrown into the earth and sea that if all this plastic is added as a link, then four rounds of terrain can be made through this link. Currently only five percent of the plastic is recycled, the remaining 95 percent takes the form of waste. Around 50,000 crore plastic bags are used every year all over the world. Usually plastic waste is dumped in the sea, this is adversely affecting the environment of the sea and sea creatures are falling prey to it. Every year the lifespan of 1 million seabirds and one lakh marine mammals in the sea ends by eating plastic material.

In India, many animals and birds (cows, buffalo etc.) lose their lives by eating plastic items. The storage of plastic waste has also become a serious problem for our country. Mountains of plastic waste stores can be easily seen in metros, cities, and even in rural areas.

The responsibility of us citizens now begins to limit the use of plastic in our lives in the future. We only have to develop some habits among ourselves. For example, whenever we go to buy vegetables and groceries, use cloth bags. Arrangements are also being made to serve tea and coffee in Kulhad on railway platforms and airports. Now the time has come to make the country free of plastic waste, so that not only the lives of innocent animals and birds can be saved, but the environment can be improved.


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