Independent people depend the moststeemCreated with Sketch.

in #independent3 years ago

America: Americas Americans Americanizing Americans for America

I don’t know what these flags represent but they came up for google search of independent. I think it represents independent or free states.


And they want us to all be independent. Let’s take a moment to look at the word independent and it’s meaning. And let’s attempt to find this sort of behavior in nature.


free from outside control; not depending on another's authority

not depending on another for livelihood or subsistence.

These are googles definitions for the word independent

The word independent is one of life’s greatest contradictions and the people using it are some of the most ignorant in the world.

Some of the uses of the word independent

“You must be independent go get a job and move out”

So basically what this person is saying. Is go depend on an outside authority a job provider and move into another authority’s property an apartment. Then you won’t depend on us anymore.

I hope they don’t depend on you to move out…

Here is another use of the word independent

“I am independent I have my own car and I grow my food”

Your lively hood comes from the fact that someone else sells you fuel, and you depend on the sun shine and water to flow so you can grow crops…

The fact of the matter is people using the word independent see themselves as foreign from their own nature and from life in general.

We all depend on something. Air, water, food. Shelter etc…

Something truly independent would only be able to exist within a vacuum

A vacuum is a place where nothing exists. Such as empty space.

You meet the occasional homeless person who really doesn’t depend on anyone including themselves. But even they wouldn’t get by without the occasional help of some kind person.

Even authority’s get their power from somewhere else. Governments get it from people. The state gets its power usually from the military and the military gets its power from the people. Usually poor people who depend on the government for food, water, shelter.

Nothing can exist within a vacuums for prolonged periods of time. Maybe rocks can…

Even the word independent depends on a dictionary to tell you what it means. So even the word is not true to itself.

Such an ignorance will be hard to overcome.

There is no such example of independence in nature. The birds depend on trees, the trees depend on soil, the bees depend on flowers, and the flowers depend on the sun.

Are you not depending on someone for your internet? Or your food? How about your job? Or maybe you depend on animals or trees! Where does your air come from?

We all depend on each other. Anyone who tells you otherwise is out of touch with reality. And probably trying to control you. It’s passive aggressive rhetoric.

Don’t be ashamed to depend on others. You are not a rock…


Don’t be ashamed to depend on others. You are not a rock.

Rightly said there is no shame on being dependent on others. Somethings are not in our control.

Well said brother, sometimes we depend on others, but i will tell sometime we loose something precious for depending on other.

You can never lose anything. Anything you can lose you never truly have in the first place. There is a saying.

“You only truly have is what you can carry during a ship wreck”

Would you have been born without your mother?
Depending on other is not a choice or preference. It’s a way of nature.

No one can regret about mother, she is the best of all woman, but if you dont do any job, another person caring you, you will not be so freedom or you will not able to have all thing normally.

With normal job you are having all things but losing yourself. Not always but in my country 99% of the time.

You can never have a thing. You can appreciate a thing, you can create a thing, you can hold a thing. But having is only one thing. Yourself. If you don’t have yourself then you will never be happy even if you think you have all things.

Even you have a job and still someone else caring for you. Your boss, your doctor, your therapist, your psychiatrist, your dentist, your dog walker, your babysitter, your priest, and your lover…

I agree with you, we have always some people that care for us.

Depending on others is not matter of shame we should depend each others.

Answer of your questions are yes, We are always depending on someone or something.

You write about the freedom so well bro, thats right a freedom country dont depend on another's.

You are so welcome dear, about the flag where did you find this one? Look different.

you have focused some on unliked truth. You are not in the usual track to focus the real truth. I like it

Thank you 😊

Freedom is a term what is the hardest to describe. What is freedom? Good and bad aspects of freedom? It is very hard to answer these questions..

Words are the basis of thought. Using words is a very clumsy instrument for describing experiences.

Obviously it is.

Independent is the very important for every person, There is no meaning of life where you don't have independent.

The definition of independent varies a lot. Sometimes extra freedom is caused for many problems.

You’re probably right. Right now you are depending on words to get your idea across. Maybe next time you can do it without using language. Or maybe it’s easier to not be ashamed of needing language. But why do you feel the desire to convey your opinion to me?

Do you know?

Why does your life need a meaning. You might spend a lot of time looking for something that is like searching for noise.

Searching for meaning in life is like only permitting fire to be while cooking food. Fire burns weather you like it or not. It’s not there for the purpose of cooking your food. It just is… you give it meaning. It doesn’t need a purpose in order to exist. That type of thinking is a sort of social perversion. Fire is hot so we cook food with it. That’s not it’s purpose. Don’t confuse it. Because if you use it just to cook food you stop seeing the magic of what it truly is not just hot or burns. But some sort of magic. Children understand this. But social conditioned people lose sight.

We must depend on oxygen to stay alive , But I'm not talking about this kind of depending.

What kind of depending is more important than the one for staying alive?

What kind of depending are you talking about?

We should not depend on others for our own works.

Does every artist make their own paper. Or paint? Even the hunters who live out in the wilderness and make their own homes and catch their own food depend on nature.

There is no such thing as independence it’s a form of ignorance.

Anything you create weather a book or art or music or anything. You depend on others. To make your instruments, paper, language etc… independent people all pretend to be more powerful than they actually are.

If you are truly powerful you don’t need to pretend.

They also depend us for their works , One sided depend is not recommended.

You are connected with everything.

You need them and they need you. Independence implies you don’t need them.

Outside control is really very bad for a country what is happening in our country.

A country does not exist in a vacuum. If controle from outside is happening it’s not outside anymore it’s inside now. If someone changes your country. Your country will change them as well. If it’s happening it’s supposed to happen. If it’s not happening it’s not supposed to happen. If your country has weakness it will be easy to control. If it thinks it has no weakness it may even be shattered.

What country are you from?

A country is a group of people. All groups that are insecure have the outside people. Because they are afraid to let them in. A strong country has no fear of outside people. Because it is strong.


Maybe they need you?

They need our country as their state.

Also India is a group of people. It’s impossible to blame a group. Find out exactly which Individual Indians and go talk to them…

Thank you.

We are in a society, in a structure, in which we relate and we all depend on each other, and thus we can keep the parts together to form a whole.

We should not depend on others, We have to be independent.

If you have to be something. Then you can never be it. If you say to someone you must love your mother. You are commanding something that can only happen naturally.

Yes i understood it. Thank you.

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