Incredible You! The Killing Of Nigel

in #incredibleyou7 years ago


Meet Nigel, he's the one when things go awry, who pops up to tell me that I can't do it. Nigel is a downer, he always sees the worst in a situation, he trusts nobody.

Nigel's there when I'm trying something new, asking me why I'm even bothering. He loves telling me to give up because something's too hard.

Poor old Nigel, he is always looking for someone or something else to blame. It is the world's fault and not his, Nigel is full of bitter resentment for a life unaccomplished.

Generating Doubt

Nigel loves whispering in my ear, telling me I'm no good at this or that. He loves feeling superior to people, especially when there is something he can do and others can't.

But poor, poor Nigel, he takes failure to heart, the elation he feels from success, can never match the depths of despair he encounters when he fails.

Nigel never learns from his mistakes, because he hates even thinking about them. They are too painful, as they are a reminder of his less than perfect nature.

Better then to shy away from activities that may cause him to fail. Best to stay fixed to one idealogical point in time, than to attempt to grow and risk failure.

Nigel coulda been a contender, he loves to boast about how he could have been the best at . . . if only he could have been bothered to try.

I Nigel

Nigel always hid from me, he managed to talk through me, as if he were me. But then one day, I read a book, the book told me that the voice I was hearing was just my fixed mindset, the book told me to give it a name.

The book Mindset, by Dr. Carol Dweck has changed my outlook on life so much so, that I try and impart its knowledge anytime I can.

Part of Dweck's advice, is to give your fixed mindset a name. That way, you can tell when it is speaking, you know because it is usually telling you to stop trying.

Once I gave it a name, I realised how I had been holding myself back by trying to insulate myself from failure. Saying that I wanted to learn, but not doing anything about it, because I wanted to be the best at what ever I did.

This is at the heart of the message of the Mindset book. A growth mindset is one whereby you are constantly looking to improve and grow as a person.

Within the growth mindset failure is an opportunity to learn. Mistakes are always analysed, and skills are something you acquire and develop.

As far as Nigel is concerned, you've either got it, or you haven't, end of . . .

The Melding Of The Nigel

When I first learned of Nigel's existence, I hated him; how dare he hold me back all these years, and when the hell did I let him into my head?

However I soon learned to accept Nigel, now when he rears his ugly head. I quietly tell him to take a step back, and realise that he is a part of me, but is no longer in charge.

Nigel will probably never completely go away, he is always there, waiting in the background for the a moment of uncertainty, when he can pounce on my fears.

Nigel is there whispering right now, telling me to stop writing this because nobody wants to read about him.

Shhhhhhh, there, there Nigel, take a step back, by exposing you, I am showing the Steemians they have nothing to fear from their own version of Nigel.

I am exposing you, because a version of you lives in almost every human being on the planet.

So Nigel, sit back and watch as I take on new challenge after new challenge. Take a back seat as I analyse my mistakes and failures, and learn from them.

Now watch me live an incredible life with no regrets!

R.I.P Nigel, you won't be missed




That's a great idea to give it a name! I have my own Nigel called Michelle, I think I am gonna get rid of her... wish me luck @cryptogee
Thanks for sharing

Good luck! Just remember sometimes Michelle will be really persuasive, but you are in charge! What particular challenges do you think you'll face this year?



  1. traveling by myself
  2. cutting some toxic relationships out of my life
    and more others!

wish me luck!

Two things I have no doubt that when you tame Michelle, you will have no problems in these areas, especially number 2!

Being in toxic relationships is all about Michelle, she's basically telling you you don't deserve better; which of course you do!

She also gets you to push away the nice guys, making you think you're not good enough for them.

Start small, take a language course of one of the countries you're thinking of going to, especially if Michelle usually tells you you're no good at languages.

Good luck! I know you won't need it! :-)


Thank you so much for your support!

take a language course of one of the countries you're thinking of going to, especially if Michelle usually tells you you're no good at languages.

I was thinking about the same thing, so I must do that! Have a wonderful day and weekend @cryptogee!

Oh yeah, back in the day I was in sales...a stockbroker...well we used to call it fear of failure, but giving it a name and recognizing it is taking it to the next level. Very cool. For me it was the fear of being told no or not being successful...feeling rejection... Awesome job exposing the Nigel that we all have to wrestle with!!! These are great man.

Oh wow sales! I was also in that hellish world, advertising rather than stocks; in that industry they love putting people in a fixed mindset. You're either a super star or a piece of crud on the sales manager's shoe. They were so good at making me think my success or (especially) failure, defined me, unfortunately I didn't know about Nigel back then :-)

Glad you like, more on the way soon!


Yes, unfortunately I’ve had Nigel my entire life. But realizing it and changing my outlook is the best way to combat him 😀 I really enjoyed your story and perspective!

Definitely, and also concentrate on your effort, not your ability.


Your stories are always captivating

Thank you :-)


Please upvote me

This is for you, and all others who make comments like this. I am far, far, far more likely to visit your page and start upvoting you, if you leave an engaging comment that makes me think about the answer I will give to you.

Also people who make me laugh, sometimes their English isn't so good, so they make a funny meme associated with the subject I'm writing about.

These people I tend to upvote, because I see they are trying hard, and they are not just throwing around empty compliments and then saying stuff like please upvote me.

Anyway, I wish you luck my friend.


Nigel is a model of pessimism, he looks only at the dark side of life, he refuses to make effort to change his circumstance. Unfortunately, life has no reward for persons with mindsets similar to Nigel.

Indeed, and the less effort he makes, the more bitter he becomes. Luckily his alter-ego the growth mindset comes in to save the day!


Nigel is like an imaginary frightening friend. You are great at writing stories.
congratulations...I also have a nigel :)

Squash your inner nigel! :-)


ahaha! I will try :))

I just love how you've approached dealing with the human condition of self-doubt. I have my very own Nigel of course and maybe I should give the scoundrel a name as well since it makes it all so much lighter.

Thank you, I learn so much everyday just from interacting with people and analysing my own behaviour and feelings. A lot of what I wrote about in this post I got from Mindset by Carol Dweck, amazing book and it has given me so much ammunition!

Giving your fixed mindset a name is such a powerful tool, it really feels nice to say; 'no shut up Nigel, we're doing this!' Sometimes he's quite persistent, but the more I get used to quietening down, the harder it is for him to take over my thinking.

You should definitely give yours a name, you come across like a growth minded person anyway, but I'm sure she pops up now and again, probably while you're trying something new mandala technique or thinking about going somewhere new with your family, whispering at you telling you you're not quite good enough.

Now you can tell her to quiet down! :-)


She is quite persistent and powerful for sure!!! I'll be showing her who's boss much more often as soon as I come up with a name.

good story, suitable for the motivasion

wow, incredible. I just read this today. Thanks for sharing this @cryptogee. Acknowledging this persona exists and giving it a name, really puts things to perspective, giving us more control. I'll be trying this too.

I resteemed you! Follow and upvote thanks