"And now, for something COMPLELETLY DIFFERENT." Had to post these to make up for the stench of the NYT piece I just wrote about.

in #incormationwar6 years ago (edited)

The stench of the New York Times OpEd I just highlighted in the last blog entry is still wafting around my computer, and it forced me to post two great new OpEd articles PACKED WITH TRUTH (you know, that magical substance the Times knows nothing about) to make up for it.

The first is this piece by John Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute:


These are good people...these Rutherfordians. Limited resources and all, they do a fine job if intervening in legal matters when citizens are being bullied by the deep state. I don't generally prefer the term "deep state" as it tends to be a means for not naming names...like The Rockefeller oil powers, The Rothschild/City-of-London international bankster class, The Trilateral Commission, The CFR, the Bilderbergers, the Communist, tax-exempt "think tanks" (like The Rand Corporation, The Aspen Institute, The Woodrow Wilson Center, Tavistock Institute,) The Halliburton/Bechtel/General Dynamics/Lockheed/Blackwater/AI-now-renamed complex, the black nobility of Europe, The Vatican homosexuals, The Round Table, The Knights of Malta, The Milner Group, etc., etc., etc....and I like naming names. But, he uses the term throughout and it does convey meaning now, like it or not.

Whitehead's article is a must read for every beer-swilling, apolitical American couch potato if they want to know BEFORE the SHsTF why it is going to happen. There is more truth packed into this one essay by Whitehead than American Poli-sci, or Governmental Affairs, or Public Policy, or Economics majors will get in any American University with four years of classes and a half million dollars in student loans.

The same can be said of this excellent piece by Tylder Durden at ZeroHedge:


In fact, ZeroHedge has really become and up and coming force in my alternative news universe lately. Durden does a fine job detailing exactly HOW (not so much WHY as Whitehead) the American republican experiment state is collapsing, comparing to the decline of the Roman Empire. Make no mistake. Even though seldom mentioned, and never declared, we have become a malignant global empire...strayed far from the roots of "The Ugly American," "Marshall Plan," do-goodiness of the post-WW II period. If foreigners think of America and Americans at all anymore, it is far more often with spite than with the appreciative feelings of former times. Durden tells us why this is so in unmistakable terms.

It still ALL boils down to one thing...a largely ATHEIST (or at least agnostic) political class made up of wealthy, "legal precedence worshiping" idiots, who think they know more than God, and who KNOW they know more than the collective wisdom of our forefathers and the non-welfare elements of the American working class. They fancy themselves "technocrats" who are experts at everything, especially at guiding the actions and plans and lives of their inferiors. They feel no allegiance except to themselves, and occasionally to their cohorts in the billionaire/pedo deep state and think of republicanism and Constitutionalism as outdated anachronisms to which they still have to mouth allegiance, but from which they can run as fast and as far as they like, at any time, in their political/planning/oversight brilliance.

(Photo courtesy of konbini.com)

I hope you've enjoyed this brief "completely different" moment.

The deep state is going to have to be brought down. If this isn't by us (which I don't see as likely outside of a massive national revival) then it will be by God Himself.

I say, the sooner, the better.


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