Inclusion of people in the labor market.

in #inclusion6 years ago (edited)

Much has been discussed by the various media on the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market. In order to know more about the subject, a research was performed in a company that provides services.
Social inclusion has increased in the world since the 1980s, a major theme of important social movements and political action.
The reason that led to research on this topic is to present the positive side of the inclusion of people with disabilities in the labor market, showing the benefits to the company in hiring this professional. Humanization, interpersonal relationships at work, cooperation, solidarity, investment in learning for all employees, accessibility to meet the needs of people with disabilities and the productive impact on companies are some of the issues that will be observed.
To get a better understanding of the subject, you need to know the types of disability that exist.
The expressions used to define persons with disabilities were diverse over time: disabled, disabled, exceptional and disabled persons (FONSECA, 2005), culminating in what the 1988 Constitution enshrined and is used to date as a person with disabilities throughout the ordinary legislation (FONSECA, 2005, UNESCO, 2007). Despite this legal nature, it is now agreed that the most precise way in terms of inclusion and respect for Human Rights is to use the term person with disability, since it names a characteristic of the person without stigmatizing it (Sassaki, 2006; Fonseca, 2005). ). In this way, in this work the expression "person with disability" (PCD) will be used in detriment of the expression of the person with the disability, even if it is legally used.
The classification of deficiencies can be applied to various aspects of health and disease, depending on the range and hierarchy of intensities.
Deficiencies can be caused by congenital diseases (acquired before birth), or by accidents (acquired).
Deficiency: Any loss or abnormality of a psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function that generates incapacity for the performance of activity, within the standard considered normal for the human being;
Permanent disability: The one that occurred or stabilized for a period of time sufficient to not allow recovery or to be likely to change, despite new treatments;
Disability: An effective and marked reduction in the capacity for social integration, with the need for special equipment, adaptations, means or resources so that the disabled person can receive or transmit information necessary for their well-being and the performance of their function or activity at (Ministry of Labor and Employment, 2004)
To have a professional with disabilities in the company, it is necessary to think about Social Inclusion. The inclusion of people with disabilities should be one of the objectives in societies that defend the values of solidarity and integration, as well as respect for personal differences.
The word inclusion means to contain or bring within, to encompass, to understand, to be included or understood, to be part, to be inserted. In order to think and practice inclusion, he first had to know the meaning. (MINI AURÉLIO, 2007, p.469). This means that society, companies, need to adapt to the inclusion of people with disabilities and not people should change to be included in the social environment.
In the past, people with disabilities lived in the family environment, did not study, worked, had no contact with society. Many people with disabilities have been seen in society today, studying and working. The changes in society have contributed a lot to this.
The professional brings with him the interaction with other people, the feeling of being productive, the possibility of making friends, of belonging to a group. The family atmosphere changes for the better. Not to mention that the presence of people with disabilities in the labor market contributes to raising awareness of the company and enriching the corporate environment with different visions and experiences.
Firstly to make a good inclusion is necessary to find the right people to the right place, to analyze the demands of the work and to verify if the disabled person will be able to accomplish the established function. Second, have a preparation in the work environment, check if the working conditions are adequate to receive these disabled people. It involves physical, educational and social measures.
Well-done inclusion is an important step in the development of these people in the job market or even in social life. This will not only bring benefits to them, but to society.
It is important to emphasize that the inclusion work does not end when the person is inserted in the company. It is necessary to follow up on the process, such as: verification in the sector if appropriate, awareness of the company and employees, adaptation of the disabled person. It is necessary to pass on all the employees the information of the "colleague" with disability, and what would be the function. Remember that you will be another employee who will be part of the team, and that will have the same treatment as the others in the company.
Social inclusion is opening the door to what is new. It ensures learning and a new vision of the world. The person with a disability feels more motivated, improves their self-esteem and quality of life, they feel valued and able to do the job just like any other person.
For businesses, it is the workers themselves who are motivated by having people with disabilities working and exercising their activities like them. The company becomes more productive. This motivates and makes the workers work and produce more, with more quality. The PCD Inclusion process can be considered an investment for the company.
Parents or caregivers of people with disabilities also become people with special needs: they need guidance and especially access to support groups. They are the ones who will mediate the integration or inclusion of their children in the community and the labor market. The awareness work of the company is very important for the retention of people with disabilities and are key in this process.
One can not forget the accessibility of these people with disabilities.
In order to have a complete inclusion, the work environment must be adapted to the needs of the employee.
The company needs to guarantee the accessibility of these people with Disabilities. In this way people with disabilities will feel more comfortable and adapted to the work environment, and the company will be able to retain these workers.
After the creation of Law No. 8,213 / 1991 (known as the Quota Law), the labor market has become a major highlight in Brazil, forcing companies to meet the quotas of people with disabilities in organizations. The process of including people with disabilities is still a great difficulty for some companies. In order to have an efficient inclusion it is necessary: study, research, analysis and know the limitations of these people, prepare the environment and the team that will receive these employees and a great knowledge of the people of the Human Resources sector, to have a good communication and know deal with each limitation of employees with disabilities.
September 21 is the National Day of Struggle for the Disabled. According to the 2010 Census of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics, 45.6 million people reported having at least one type of disability, whether visual, hearing, motor or mental / intellectual. Although they represent 23.9% of the Brazilian population in 2010, these people do not live in an adapted society. According to the statement of the RAIS (Annual Report of Social Information), in turn, points out that, in 2013, 27,500 jobs were created for people with disabilities. With the result, the number of places occupied reached 357.8 thousand. The men represent 64.84% of the employees and the women occupy 35.16% of the vacancies. In all countries, legislation has been seen as the most important means of ending discrimination against society in general and business, particularly against the insertion of people with disabilities (Gil and Bengoecha, 1991 et al. Sassaki, Romeu, 2006). Basically, there are two types of laws, according to SASSAKI, ROMEU2006:
A) General laws integrationist are those that contain separate devices on the person with disabilities to assure him some right, benefit or service.
B) Comprehensive general laws: these would be those that, without mentioning this or that segment of the population, give a clear guarantee of right, benefit or service to all people, regardless of color, gender or disability.

4.3.1 LAW 13.146 OF JULY 6, 2015
Known as the Law of Persons with Disabilities - The Brazilian Law on the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (Statute of Persons with Disabilities), designed to ensure and promote, under conditions of equality, the exercise of fundamental rights and freedoms by persons with disabilities , aiming at their social inclusion and citizenship.

4.3.2 COURT LAW-8213/91
Through the analysis of the bibliographies it can be verified that the main concern of companies in the process of hiring people with disabilities is to comply with the Law of Quotas, existing since 1991, which obliges companies with more than 100 employees to hire this group of workers. And, in case of noncompliance, companies will be subject to the penalties provided by Law.
According to Portaria MF nº 15, dated 01/16/18 published in the Official Gazette on January 17, of Portaria MF nº 15, dated 01/16/18 published in the Official Gazette on January 17, since January 16, 2018, the fine for non-compliance with the Quotas Law increased from R $ 2,331.32 to R $ 233,130.50.
Law 8213/91, Quotas Law for the Disabled and Persons with Disabilities, provides for the Plans of Social Security Benefits and makes other provisions for hiring people with special needs. In this law, in art. 93 provides that a company with 100 or more employees is required to fill two to five per cent of its positions with rehabilitated beneficiaries or persons with disabilities in the following proportion:

  • up to 200 Employees .................. 2%
  • from 201 to 500 employees ........... 3%
  • from 501 to 1000 employees ......... 4%
  • from 1001 onwards employees ... 5%

According to data released by the Annual Social Information Ratio (RAIS), in 2016, there was a 3.79% increase in the number of people with disabilities in the Brazilian formal labor market, in relation to the previous year.
According to data from the Annual Social Information Ratio (Rais) 2016, released by the Ministry of Labor, 403.2 thousand people with disabilities formally work in the labor market, corresponding to a percentage of 0.84% of total employment.
With the increase, the Ministry of Labor (MT) in 2018 counted the presence of 418,521 people with disabilities, with a formal contract. The data include private sector employers, direct and indirect public enterprises and public agencies. The magazine Crescer, published on 04/04/2015, found that the companies claim that not hiring disabled people is a consequence of poor qualification, schooling or even overprotection of parents who do not influence or fear of letting their children go to school. market and face society. Federal Law no. 8,213 / 91 is celebrating its 25th anniversary and was created to ensure that disabled persons who are beneficiaries of the Professional Rehabilitation Program by the National Social Security Institute (INSS) are able to exercise some work activity. The national responsible for the Project for the Insertion of Persons with Disabilities in the Labor Market, Fernanda Maria Pessoa di Cavalcanti, says that every year the inspections are becoming more constant for the rule to be fulfilled. Last year alone, there were more than 4.5 thousand assessments. The arguments most used by those who do not comply with the law, explains, are the high cost to adapt the work environment and the lack of professional qualification. "Today, we have 9.3 million PCD's (people with disabilities) that fit into the Quotas Law, for 827 thousand open positions."

The questions were divided according to the corresponding areas:

Hiring People with Disabilities:
What are the main positive points in hiring people with disabilities?
• Answer Manager 1
They are people who are eager to bring results and dedicated to their performance, just like anyone who wants to get involved for a cause when it comes to work, because they have historically been excluded from this opportunity. Deficiency was considered a social aggression and therefore those who were not considered normal or with some kind of disorder were hidden and sometimes abandoned.
• Answer Manager 2
Improving the work environment (organizational climate) with the stories of overcoming it is possible to know / to sensitize and to respect the differences
Improving the accessibility of the company, when hiring a disabled person is necessary to make some adaptations, this way the company becomes accessible to its staff and clients.
• Answer Manager 3
Make the company socially responsible, employee appreciation, greater productivity.
The company believes in the value of each employee, in hiring people with disabilities, not only by the number of quotas, but rather, they seek the capacity of the employee. Company that cares about the welfare of the employee. Giving the attention that each one needs: accessibility, good work environment, trust. The Company does not only hire people with intellectual disabilities, but also physically. Being still in modifications are adapting to the physical space, to give more comfort and safety to employees.

What are the main difficulties of including people with disabilities?
• Answer Manager 1
Given the opportunity to enter the market, companies still need preparation to create accessibility for people with disabilities.
• Answer Manager 2
People enrolled in existing vacancies For the sake of meeting the quota do not have people with disabilities according to the requirements of the position
• Answer Manager 3
Adequacy of facilities to receive people with disabilities Accessibility, acceptance and understanding by the employees about the inclusion that has to happen in fact. Based on the studies in the company, it was verified that there is still overprotection of the family. Parents are still afraid of putting their children in educational institutions, to improve their knowledge and job market due to the prejudice of society. This would be the biggest difficulty for companies in hiring people with disabilities. In addition to mentioning that they lose the benefit BPC - Loas (Benefit of Continuous Rendering of Social Assistance when they begin to work.

Hiring process:
What are the priority measures to be taken to improve the inclusion process?
• Answer Manager 1
I believe that giving structural conditions so that we can receive the people and direct them to the development of their activities.
• Answer Manager 2
Surveillance of quota laws Schooling of people with disabilities Increase the representation of people with disabilities in associations, policies, business management.
• Answer Manager 3
Training and development of staff to receive the disabled person Investment in accessibility Investment in technological tools The hiring process must be well planned for employees with disabilities, you can not make a hiring process focusing on the needs but checking the skills of employees. The company seeks some other institutions to assist in the process of finding people with disabilities.

Health and safety at Work
What forms of prevention are used to reduce the risk of accidents with people with disabilities?
• Answer Manager
This subject is not currently in the agenda. However, in a unit where there was a PNE employee, he was asked to wear a helmet for his protection, due to his epileptic seizures. I believe there are several ways to prevent incidents and accidents with PNE, indicating with more warnings and signs, with more verbal information to them. The CIPA - Internal Commission for Accident Prevention is composed of people with disabilities, if not what the reason? The CIPA does not have a disabled member. In the formation of CIPA of the units, no PNE employee registered, perhaps for lack of interest, perhaps for lack of education and disclosure, that they can register and compete for a CIPA member. In the units, where the assignees are usually appointed by the managers, there is also no PNE. Based on the response and visit in the company, it was verified that the company worries about the health and safety of the work of all its collaborators, especially with people with disabilities, since they need a more specific care. There is no disabled employee at CIPA. In this case the company could evaluate the ability, the possibility of having a collaborator to take care of the health of his special colleagues, that would motivate more those collaborators. They would feel well represented.

When doing the research it was identified how the process of inclusion of people with disabilities in the Researcher Company is carried out.
It has been found that it is a company that greatly preserves the quality of customer service and the welfare of employees, company managers have shown great interest in participating in the research to improve the process of inclusion.
It is important to consider that after hiring people with disabilities, the company has improved in the relationship, respect and fellowship among employees, as mentioned by the human resources manager. The people with disabilities of the company work, study and have a positive social life before the society.
Throughout the research were found some difficulties, which did not prevent us from performing and completing the interview.
Firstly, it was to find a company that already carried out the inclusion of people with disabilities, and made feasible the execution of the research and visit in the place. The second difficulty was to carry out the questionnaire on a bibliographic basis, as we did not want to be invasive. Some of the managers who were willing to participate in the survey did not respond to the questionnaire, according to them the reason was lack of time. The third difficulty was that the company, because it had some internal policies, did not allow us to make a more complete visit and was not able to give us all the information requested because we did not have contact with those people with disabilities at work.
With the interview, it was verified that the company has a great interest in hiring people with disabilities. It is important to mention that you have this practice since the founding of the company, do not only care about the Quota Law. The company is seeking to deepen the hiring by competence and the profile of the interviewees. This inclusion policy is practiced well before the quota law. We suggest the idea of holding more integration meetings for these people to feel included in the work environment. Today, if you do not have someone with disabilities at CIPA, that would be an added motivation for them to feel represented. With this research we observed that the main benefits of inclusion are interaction with other people, the creation of new friendships, the feeling of belonging to a group, company awareness and enrichment of the corporate environment with different visions and experiences.
The researched company currently has 22 people with disabilities in its frame and by the research carried out the managers evaluate that the main benefits are, the increase of the valorization of the employees, the increase of productivity, the transformation of the teams and the good image that the company passes to society.
In general, people with Disabilities have their limitations, but they can perform as well as people without disabilities. It requires adequate training, motivation, accessibility, acceptance of society, so that there is an inclusion with positive results.
With the lack of knowledge about disabilities, society does not give the space that these people deserve, excluding them from membership. It is necessary to leave the prejudice aside and understand that these people can develop and adapt to society.
There are many challenges ahead, but with the awareness of society and joint efforts with these people with Disabilities, the doors have begun to open.
With this research, it is hoped that new opportunities will emerge and that people with disabilities will play a very important role in the labor market, not only for their satisfaction, but for their families and the contribution of society in general.


CORREA, João Gabriel; SOUZA, Sabrina Inzabralde de. INCLUSÃO DE PESSOAS COM DEFICIÊNCIAS NO MERCADO DE TRABALHO. 2018. 34 f. TCS (Graduação) - Curso de Graduação Tecnológica em Gestão de Recursos Humanos, Faculdade Senac PalhoÇa, Palhoça, 2018.


Quite a good though lengthy post. Thanks for that work!
You might like to republish it in a few months when your audience hopefully has increased.

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