Simple Ways To Motivate Yourself Every Day##

in #in7 years ago


  • Take a break you deserve it

The only way we can perform at an optimal level is create time for rest. The moment you know,you can't take any time off is usually when you need it most.

  • Keep your cards close to your chest

Finally running that marathon? Excited about your new diet? Bursting at the seams over your new project? Good keep it to yourself ☺️

Announcing your intent to do these feats will backfire. Resist the urge to reap the barrage of Facebook likes,and gushing comments. The positive feedback you receive from your network will trick your brain into thinking you have already accomplished your goal, sabotaging your once-motivated brain to do said feat.

  • Confront death,and define your legacy

Death is a powerful motivator. We get bogged down in mindless activities. They make us feel like we are accomplishing things, when in reality we are just spinning in circles.

  • Celebrate the little wins, no matter how small

Little wins may seem like just that --little.

Celebrating these wins can help to create positive habits. You break the inertia of mediocrity by teaching everyone around you how to win. They get the chance to bask in that emotion.

  • Slash your to-do list in half

Slashing your aggressive to-do list in half will allow room for success. Knowing that it's realistic for you to complete the list is empowering.

  • Be gentle with yourself

Stop comparing the accomplishments in your life with those of your neighbor. The story you create in your head will never be as good, and the reality will never be as bad.

There are many people who are smarter than you. The moment you can embrace this nation,you are free. Free to explore. Free to follow what excited you. Free to ignore what they do, or how they do it, and focuses on you.

  • Do what you love

Find what it is you love to do and get profecient at it. Success dwells at the fulcrum of passion and excellence.

But be careful, make sure that you can make a living with your passion. I am passionate about a lot of things that I know I am not so amazing at and that I definitely can't make a living at.


i really like ur post.... its helpful content
thank u so much

Thank you so much....

Thanks for stopping by...I just followed by my friend.

thak you very much for this good advices : )

Thank you

Nice post! Thanks for sharing 😍

Thank you for stopping by

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