When the Guns fails

in #in5 years ago (edited)

"Guns" the will say is the hunters friend.
My question is:
how then are many hunters dead because of gun?
I have a doubt on their friendship!.
Gun is a friend of non.
It straight in thought,
it don't care whether it does right or wrong. In the hands of the right person, the say it does good but i came to find out that it has no wrong hand ...
Any hand that holds the gun is the right one to the gun.
How come you(gun) ended the life of those who trusted you. I would say to my opposite
" it my gun it can't kill me"...
But still then my fear is ; my gun don't know me. It is a friend i shouldn't trust.
Guns are better defined in the hands of a warrior than a hunter...
A warrior knows: i can't keep friend. if i do i might run out of bullet. You give me your gun i kill you ...
Many life have been lost to just one gun..
Funny enough i know a gun that can't do harm.
It talks but not loud.
It is my friend and at same time my enemy's friends..
It kills no one ...
It love every one... Or is it because it has no bullet.
May be it is the bullet that kills people...
I doubt when i hear the force man say ; "guns don't kill people, people kill people".
I would have been sure; that the dangerous thing is the bullet.
But Just that the bullet never survive a mission. when it kills it dies.
Every bullet have but a mission.
Yes a bullet is stefast to direction,
The bullet is not a rebel like the gun. The bullet is a steward to the gun. it never changes direction.
But gun go from mission to mission.
My African hunter's mistake was to rely on his gun. He said my gun is my only friend. How then did your friend
watch you die.

The end of the story is that the gun is not your friend...
Don't keep friends like guns
Fear guns

written by
Paschal David in deep thought

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