MEDICAL KIDNAP - Doctors attempting to MURDER Alfie Evans!

in #imwithalfie6 years ago (edited)

One would think that if there were no potential for life, that it would be humane to relieve a being from life support to end the suffering - even if it's a child.

But what if doctors shut off life support to a child claiming they're brain dead when really they are improving?

This is exactly what is happening to Alfie Evans - a child currently under the care of UK Alder Hey Children's Hospital.

So far the story goes that Alfie was born healthy, however his health started to deteriorate - he began having jerking movements in his limbs and his eyes would roll up. After having taken him to the doctor, they said he was a late developer. Alfie started to regress, making more jerking movements and behaving strangely. Alfie then got a chest infection which led him to have a myoclonic jerking spasm.
Alfie was subsequently put on life support and allegedly had his days numbered. Alfie however survived, beating the infection and breathing on his own. He was able to come off the vent and was on cpap, moving and trying to open his eyes.

He then caught another infection and went back on the vent. Even though Alfie has showed signs of improvement, Alder Hey threatened to turn off his life support.

In the last 24 hours, the doctors have lied to the court telling them Alfie is brain dead (Watch video HERE that shows Alfie is alive and moving!) and have removed his life support.
Alfie has gone 24 hours now without a ventilator and has now gone 12 hours without sustenance.

Police are not allowing protesters to enter the building nor allowing Alfie and his family to leave as shown in this video and this article.

The Italian government has granted Alfie citizenship and passage to Rome via a military helicopter that was ready to go when the court decision was made today.

Medical Ethics Alliance has released a press release:

We are deeply concerned and outraged by the treatment and care offered to Alfie Evans. Wanting to withdraw treatment so that he will die, the medical
authorities have taken Alfie to the High Court. At that point, and as a result of the hospital’s court action, the parents were stripped of their right to be decision makers for their beloved child. They could only advise the Court and look on as the High Court made decisions for Alfie.
The High Court decided that it was in the “Best Interests “ of Alfie to die and duly authorized the withdrawal of treatment. As a result the parents are being tortured as they watch the hospital take actions expected to lead to his death.
Despite a viable alternative being available (namely transfer by air ambulance for further assessment to a specialist hospital in Rome), the hospital and doctors
responsible for his care insists that he remains under their care and on a pathway towards death. While he now has some oxygen and some fluid this has taken huge effort to obtain for him. He is offered sedation although (we understand) this has not been given at present. Sedation (if given) would mean that he would develop respiratory failure and die even more quickly.
Actions such as these have now brought the Alder Hey Hospital to worldwide attention and by extension bring our whole profession into disrepute.
Medical tyranny must stop. Poor Alfie must not be killed in this way. We demand that the authorities to allow Alfie safe passage to Rome.
With respect we insist that with immediate effect the GMC investigate the actions of doctors providing his care. Surely the doctors should refuse to implement such a tyrannical decision and allow Alfie to go to Rome.

Thomas evans made a post to the Facebook group Alfies Army Official 3 hours ago:

Coming up to 24 hours and he’s fighting with gorgeous his gorgeous features, pink lips, handsome grown up face, and odd cheeky smile now and again

Thomas Evans is speaking to the cameras telling people about the vents that took place during court.

Alfie Evans News gave this update on the final court decision:

Judge says Alfie Evans can not go to Italy for treatment. Mr Justice Hayden, who described Alfie as "a fighter, resilient, courageous and a warrior", asked Alder Hey to "explore creatively, ambitiously, even though it may be a forlorn hope, the options, may it be palliative care".
He added that Alfie should be "cared for, on his final days or hours, however long it may be, in a hospice or home or on a ward".
The judge said that Alder Hey and the parents needed to discuss the next steps for Alfie.

Alder Hey is trying to kill this boy, and the courts are in on it. It has been ruled Alfie cannot leave except to go home.

Share what is going on, keep updated through the Facebook group and pages.

Learn the risk has made a video on this as well.

Follow pages ALFIE EVENS NEWS and Save Alfie Evans and faceboom group Alfie's Army Official for updates.

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