The "Real " darmian23
I've never contributed to Steem, at least so far.
But there are people impersonating me, who are reposting my work and earning Steem on my behalf.
This post is to confirm that @darmian23 on Steem is the "real" darmian23.
Here's proof tied to some of my other accounts:
Github, where I write my books:
Please do not give your money to scammers.
-- sexyboy
Saya tidak pernah berkontribusi pada Steem, paling tidak sejauh ini.
Tapi ada orang yang meniru identitasku, yang mengembalikan pekerjaanku dan mendapatkan Steem untukku.
Pos ini untuk mengkonfirmasi bahwa @darmian23 on Steem adalah darmian23"sebenarnya".
Inilah bukti yang terkait dengan beberapa akun saya yang lain:
Github, di mana saya menulis buku saya:
Tolong jangan berikan uang anda kepada scammers.
Terima kasih
- sexyboy
Are you trying to pretend to be aantonop, giving links to his other services?
Andreas M. Antonopoulos tweeted @ 03 Feb 2018 - 19:59 UTC
I have not posted on Steemit.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
I don't want to give my money to scammers as YOUR post suggests.
This is my first ever downvote in steemit since I have joined more than a year, I wish this to be the last.