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RE: Neo-Imperialism is Destroying the World: Crystal-Clear Analysis-- PLEASE RE-STEEM!

in #imperialism7 years ago

Excellent Video @dakini5d!
Pretty heavy handed on the repeats. I suggest turning the English Sub-titles on and reading what this man is saying as well. He is a very eloquent witness of the Euro-Zio-Con Model of control. And he explains very clearly how our Governments are the true source of Terrorism.

Consider downloading it and re-uploading it through DTube for the sake of 0% Censorship chance.


Thanks Frank-- yes, the repeats are a drag, but I understand why Cullen Mac felt so emphatic to repeat these key phrases. I heard the interview back in 2015 when it was first aired. Such excellent analysis. Check out the one I posted today from Cullen Mac on Global Corporate Fascism and "Public-Private Partnerships".

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