
in #imperfection5 years ago


We seem to strive for some form of perfection. But in our crazy world, there is no such thing. And that’s okay. In this strive for perfection, we can not always see the beauty in the imperfect.

The other day I was trying to fix something with a bit of black paint and got some on my wrist. It looked almost like a circle and I felt like I needed a small reminder of how everything is cyclical so I tried to make it into a full perfect circle. As you can see that isn’t what I ended up with. Instead, I got this almost Chinese brush stroke circle.

At first, I wasn’t happy with it and was going to clean myself up. Then I really looked at it. This was the real reminder that I needed. That yes every they are cyclical but that there are thin and fat times. Highs and lows that happen and to just be where you are right at that moment. Because it is perfect in its imperfection.

One of my favorite memories of my kids was when I was having a really bad day and they were playing together. At one point they came running over with a plate full of fake food and a drawing while saying, “Surprise we made you this.” The pure joy on that lite up their faces made me smile and join in on the fun.

The picture was mostly scribbles and lots of different colors but they had both contributed. As we played my daughter explained who did what and what the picture was, which at this point I can’t remember. But I still have it in my keepsake box as the first sister-brother piece.

Its moments like that made the imperfect circle touch my heart. We all need to remember that.

I hope that you see the imperfections today and every day.

May your stars shine brightly on you.

(This is a picture I took with my iPhone Xs)


I needed to read this today. Thank you for posting!

Love this. Very true. (At first I thought you got a tattoo!) (please ignore the unintentional rhyme)

Yeah, it did a little but well I HATE needles unless I'm sewing or knitting. Hope you're having a great time.

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