Trimurti - Chapter 1, Part 2


See Post Trimurti Chapter 1, Part 1 first...

Maybe it was because he was getting older and facing his own mortality head on or maybe it was the fact that the world had become so corrupt and so destructive, self-inflicted as well as injurious and malicious to others. What happened to empathy and compassion? It’s as if the human race was on the verge of losing its humanity, if not already. Humans had become superficial, driven by the idea of being independent and dependent on the materialism of technology that bought the status of what immortality looked like in the eyes of the world. Out of necessity and to maintain status, humans had stopped reproducing believing it to be a burden and an unnecessary process in the evolutionary road to immortality. And overtime and the ages mankind became sterile through evolution.

While things seemed to be getting worse throughout time and that mankind was destined to become just as extinct as any other lowly creature that was so easily replaceable in man’s mind, one day something amazing and beautiful happened. Mankind woke up and had an epiphany. We humans realized our need for human interaction and connection. It stimulates us physically, mentally, and emotionally. It in itself was the Fountain of Youth, we had finally discovered the secret to immortality. It wasn’t the material of the physical plane, it was the connection we share with other individuals and through that connection, we eventually reproduce a child and if the couple was even luckier, children. And through these children, we are remembered and our name never to be forgotten by the means of passing along our stories generation after generation. And in our search for immortality, we had lost the ability to be immortal, but faced with our own mortality, we found the solution and the ability to become truly immortal.

Thus the Adam and Eve Project was created to save mankind from depleting its very existence. The doctors and scientists of this project became revered as gods for their knowledge and their brain power. And while the sterility could not be reversed, scientists and doctors did find a solution and their only job was to work on reversing the plight of mankind by finding a way to implement this solution.

Mankind’s only hope was through the very technology that had become their vice. Through this technology, the scientists and doctors could focus their energy on artificial intelligence and computer programming. The idea was to create sentient beings out of the parts of a machine. So while humans wouldn’t be able to have biological children, the idea was to create an artificial intelligent child that could still replicate the knowledge of one's owner.

Artificial Intelligence research and testing belonged to Department One and Department Two focused on the ability of mankind to become an artificial intelligent being themselves by transferring their knowledge and in a sense, their very essence of soul and spirit into a computer. It would no longer be necessary to have these flawed bodies with their physical limitedness and fallibility.

Department Two’s program takes an individual who is no longer happy with their current life and current situation. These individuals feel as if they have nothing to lose and nothing to live for. Their only hope and salvation is in the ability to donate their brains, minds, and bodies to the cause of saving mankind, in hopes that when their time comes to transfer all thoughts and spirit into a machine, that their case will be the successful one. And if it isn’t, it’s as if it wouldn’t matter that they died because they were already dead inside to begin with. They were in fact disposable by the means of society and the world today. They were no longer considered productive citizens of society and unable to give back to the community.

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