It’s Time, [DS] In Process Of Being Removed, Court TV Back, Coincidence? - Episode 1739b

in #immigration6 years ago

Judge rules that Trump justified in ending Obama immigration program. More whistleblowers come forward in regard to the CF. Tom Finton will testify against the CF. Trump says he might need to get involved in the Huawei CFO case. Trump trapped Pelosi and Schumer on the border issue. Canada signs the UN Migration Pact. Korean troops verify removal of each other's posts. Q drops more bread, proofs, France and the event to put an end to the protests. Q then has some Holiday fun and trolling the MSM.

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After the 3Ms what's next??? Le Pin in France??? Corbin in the UK, or BoJo?? What do you think??

You know what has me really concerned❓It is when both you and TRUMP don’t seem to understand how the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC of the UNITED STATES 🇺🇸 of AMERICA is supposed to work . You didn’t learn anything from the prohibition disaster⁉️When you both speak of drugs you’re engaging in unconstitutional behavior . This is a free republic , which means everyone minds their own business . We are a nation of SOVEREIGNTY . If no consent form has been filed , then no one can tell you what to do with your own body . Hell we could sell our organs if we want . The problems that you cause by making things illegal is that you employ criminals . Look at AL CAPONE⁉️He went from just a petty thief to a GANGSTER❗️You did that dumbass Americans . Just like all the drug lords your all responsible for creating . Instead of putting it on a shelf , taxing it , and regulating it like BEER & CIGARETTES . You don’t see any TOBACCO DRUG LORDS do you⁉️Your going about it the wrong way , and you don’t mention things like INCOME TAX being illegal . And that the supreme law is the constitution , and no other . Property taxes were supposed to be kept as low as %3 , but no higher then %10 . Seat belt laws , and helmet laws are illegal to enforce . This is a survival of the fittest environment . I wear seatbelts , and make everyone in my vehicle wear them because I believe in safty , but it is an individual CHOICE . And the police weren’t created to micromanage the people . All mandatory insurance is a fraud❗️When citizens don’t have to sacrifice their own personal wealth to bailout criminals , then they can save , and keep wealth assets like GOLD & SILVER , and no one can make any demands to take it from you . Then you can buy services you need or require like health , and automobile insurance . But no one can force such services upon you . Sales taxes along with license requirements like those for driving pay most of the service related taxes needed to keep the roads in good order . Food taxes will go towards keeping our food safe , and so on and so forth . Corporate taxes are kept at %25 for companies making over a million dollars a year . Those making less pay %10 . This would automatically help small business by giving them more of their own money to work with , and not have to go through any expensive loans to central banksters . And try to remember that we are SOVEREIGN , and no one can make claims over our bodies , or our wealth . And I don’t endorse any drugs , but we must tax them and regulate them according to the detriment they cause society . For example ALCOHOL being the deadliest recreational drug gets to pay a much higher tax then lets say CANNABIS , which has a proven medical benefit and should pay NO TAXES . We have to live in common sense , and not just by your own boot straps . We are to guide her , and protect her . GOD BLESS AMERICA ❗️Her constitution and her bill of rights are what all nations envy and want to destroy . Why do you think they took both prayer , and the pledge of allegiance out of the school room⁉️These monsters have installed themselves in every sector of our REPUBLIC , and I took an oath ❗️To defend and protect against all enemies both foreign and domestic❗️And I haven’t heard you say that ONCE❓So SAY IT❗️And really deliver the message we all want to hear regularly . We are UNTIED STATES , not a divided socialist nation . We are a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC , and not a democracy . Democracy is two wolves 🐺 🐺 and a sheep 🐑 voting on whats for dinner 🍽 . And thats why I call democracy the love child of socialism and communism . Time is running out for these fools , and many of us are ready to kick their asses out of our republic wearing only the clothes on their backs , because liquidations will be part of the reset .

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