
Not quite that simple; the border may be public, but the country is a nations shared "home", migrants are people wanting to join in.

Nobody is suggesting to not allow them to exist, just that before getting a new roommate, want to make sure they are trustworthy, can pay rent and won't break everything and leave.

People came by the boatful untiol the eraly 20th century and there was no problem... until the progressives took power

Fair point; consider that when people were coming by the boatload, they would go through a quarantine process and once cleared they better be motivated cause if they weren't they would wind up dead in the streets and if lucky someone would be nice and bury them.

Today, with welfare (in Canada add healthcare) and you got a nice comfy social safety net to fall into.... that can add a burden of 10's of thousands of dollars per year per immigrant added to those paying taxes.

That's why there needs to be some level of scrutiny, North america CANNOT provide welfare to the rest of the world without dragging the west to that same level as the developing nations.

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