Are you a Religious Tolerant?

in #immigration8 years ago (edited)

Background on me, I was raised reading the Bible (KJV) and went to church as a young child. I now identify as 'spiritual' for the record. As a young adult, I learned about other religions. Tolerance was the edict of the time. I was taught that Islam is 'the religion of peace'. When everything came up about the ban, I wanted to find out why all the people on Gab wanted to eradicate Islam. So I did some research.

First I read Usbourne's Encyclopedia of World Religions article on Islam. Nothing about beheadings there....
Then I read the article in my 1986 World Book Encyclopedia. Still nothing about the violence I had heard so much about. So I looked at other sites and articles, like this one:

""There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur'an; the idea that Islam imposed itself by the sword is a Western fiction, fabricated during the time of the Crusades when, in fact, it was Western Christians who were fighting brutal holy wars against Islam."[1] So announces former nun and self-professed "freelance monotheist," Karen Armstrong."
"Poll: Democrats Think Christianity Is As Violent As Islam. Here Are 7 Facts Disproving This Stupidity."

"Islamist-supporters infiltrate Obama Admin to subvert US security," reveals ex-CIA'er, Clare Lopez

Uploaded on Dec 2, 2009

Islamist-allied operatives appointed by Obama are undermining U.S. security policy - explains counter-Intelligence expert, Prof. Clare Lopez. Aimed at co-opting Americas foreign policy in the Middle East, a network including well-known American diplomats, congressional representatives, figures from academia and the think tank world - with ties to the clerical regime in Tehran - is directing the Obama Administration's policy towards the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Middle East."

"Our people lost everything because of their faith – they were targeted for their faith, just like the Yazidis and others too. Now these protesters are saying that religion should not matter at all, even though someone was persecuted for their faith, even though persecution based on religion is one of the grounds for refugee status in the UN treaty on refugees."

and then I turned on twitter to offer support to our leaders here in America and saw this video. If you only click one link, click this one.

This is a woman visiting her hometown in England to see if 'muslims have taken over the town' as she had been hearing. This is very eye opening. In one part she says, "Doesn't it say that you have to obey the laws of the land you are in?" one says, no we do not. It can't be much clearer. They are chanting, British police go to hell. This is getting fucking serious. He says she will go to hell just because she is not muslim. This is intolerance. The video is not on YT so you have to see it in his twitter status I guess. I have sure learned a lot.

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