Last iconic 'immigrant crossing sign' disappears

in #immigrant7 years ago

While politicians are embroiled in a polarized national debate over immigration, an iconic road sign cautioning drivers near the San Diego border to watch for migrants running across the highway has quietly disappeared.

The “immigrant crossing” signs have become obsolete, said Cathryne Bruce-Johnson, a spokeswoman for Caltrans. The transportation department stopped replacing the signs years ago because it constructed fences along medians to deter people from running across highways.

The last sign, which stood on the side of Interstate 5 near the San Ysidro border crossing, vanished in September.

“It’s gone,” Bruce-Johnson said. “Caltrans crews did not remove it, so it’s assumed stolen.”

Signs are more often damaged or vandalized than stolen, according to Bruce-Johnson, but when they are taken, there isn’t much Caltrans can do to get them back.

California Highway Patrol sergeant Dan Kyle said that officers who worked during the years before the fences were added recalled responding weekly to several fatal collisions between cars and unauthorized immigrants on the highway in San Ysidro.

This story reminds me of the South Park episode - Immigrants from the future. They basically made fun of this situation in California and these warning signs but instead of Mexicans crossing the border it was immigrants from the future where living conditions sucked and money was worth much less. Probably the future for us if Hillary would of became president.

California should be happy once the wall is built because they won't need these signs or maintain any of the fencing they put up to replace them.



Immigration will definitely be in the news next week. Some Dems think they hold a strong hand and can force a settlement on DACA without having to make meaningful concessions, but if Trump keeps his nerve, he should be able to get real immigration reform on terms he favors as part of the deal. A majority of the public is firmly behind a package deal that he would support. Smart Democrats realize that in their heart of hearts, notwithstanding what the ultra-left progressives think.

Trump is giving the Dems a good DACA deal. We'll see if some Dems break ranks with the leadership because most Americans want a way for these DACA people to get citizenship.

not to mention people won't have to worry about denting up their cars.

That's good news or not

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