IMF ads on Youtube?

in #imf6 years ago

Come on now...

Seeing Christine Legarde in a Youtube ad gave me the chills...
I kept looking for clues on who paid this ad and to my surprise it was actually the IMF itself!

Legarde was talking about 180Tr dollars of global debt between countries and companies alike...

She also talked about "fixing" the system and "not" destroy it which was kinda weak in my opinion but at the same time "sincere" from her part

That was the ad in a nutshell

...Very curious indeed...the timing, the message, the mean...

I mean I believe this is the first time I see an IMF ad ever on Youtube...

Are they preparing the mass for the inevitable?


I visit web sites for multinational organizations as I do research; So I often see ads for big multinational entities in my Google Ad feed.

These huge entities often pay each other off in purchases of ad space; So I am not surprised at all to see ads for the IMF on Youtube.

I guess...yea :)

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