I've missed you great people!!! HF20 questions.

in #imback6 years ago


Life's been like this!⬆️⬆️⬆️

So, to start, I've been dealing with a whole lot of difficulties in life. This is the reason that I have been unable to post or even interact here. I promise I have not abandoned the platform. Truthfully, there were so many times that I wanted to come here but couldn't. And a few times that I couldn't because I was just too depressed. For this I am sorry.

But I'm back now. I believe life is calming down for me and I should have more time here. Later today or tomorrow I will be posting about another app that pays out in real money. I'm hoping that everybody will stop in and check it out and that it helps you guys out.

Also yesterday was my son's 8th birthday party. It was a great deal of fun! But I think, even more important than that, it was a huge turning around point for me dealing with what life has been throwing my way. I'll also be posting more on that, and hopes that it will help somebody out here in our great community.

Now that I'm back, I have realized that the hard Fork 20 has come. And a good friend of mine @doomsdaychassis has informed me that one of the changes is that 0 minute voting actually hurts us.


So, if anyone has information or ideas about anything else that is changed, please let me know. I'm going to do my best to catch up and find out what all was implemented. For now, I am going to take a break and get to work. I hope everybody has a great day. And I hope I did not lose anyone support with my gap in attendance. I love you all, and send my best wishes to yous.


Welcome back and Happy Belated Birthday to your son !

HF 20 was a mess ... there was a couple days that only a select few were able to post but things have been updated and posting for everyone is back to normal.

0 - 15 minute votes on post ..... some of those rewards goes back to the pool and No more comment time limitations are couple of the notable changes.

Steem Power is now Mana and Bandwidth been replaced with something called resource credits. Steemd shows how much each action ( posting / upvoting ) costs in RC credits and how much you have left to spend. It regenerates after being spent.

I will pass along to happy birthday to Evan. I'm sure he will be ecstatic. And thank you for wishing him a happy birthday. I wonder if I would have been the one that couldn't post? Anyway, I guess it doesn't matter. Also, thanks for the real quick update. Just from what you're saying, sounds like I've got a lot of catching up to do. I guess it's time to go hit up some of my higher reps(smarter at Steemit) friends posts to see what's going on that I missed out on. I've got a lot of catching up to do anyway. Maybe that's a good place to start.

It mostly affected new accounts / redfish but minnows had limited posting as well due to lack of RC credits at the time.

Oh boy, i bet this place was a little crazy for a few days. 😁

Welcome back! Looking forward to your posts, yay!

I felt that I was behind the learning curve even before the HF and I feel it's even more so now. Right now I'm pretending it never happened and seeing how that works out. Yes, please, whatever you learn about the changes, I'll be interested in hearing!

Well thank you welcome mean. And I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed my posts enough to be looking forward to them. 😁 And I'm kind of in the same boat as you are now, I've got some learning to do. Definitely behind the learning curve. But together we will learn what we need to know and grow. How have you been, and is anything new with you? I hope all is well.

When the HF happened it was two days that I couldn't interact here, and I think it was the week before when the whole site was down for a day. I realized how much checking in with Steemit had become a part of my day.

Like you said in another post, it's like the ocean for me too, up and down! I've just started posting again so I'm feeling good about that. (I fell and hurt my back 2 months ago, slowed me down for a while.) On the upside I was chosen to do a voice for one of the SteemMonsters characters! (Spineback Turtle) Yay!

So basically putting one foot in front of the other, taking it day by day!

Oh a voice actor? That's super cool.! Is it a paying gig? Even cooler if so. And I'm sorry to hear about your accident! I hope you get completely better quickly.

LOL No, not a paid gig! It's for SteemMonsters so it's for the honor and glory of being included! :-)
I'm mostly better now, thank you. I just got way behind on everything while I couldn't move around much. You know how it is, miss a day and it takes a week to catch up!

Wow nice to see you are back again and even stronger. Dont worry much dear friend. Life is full of challenges and how we react to them matters a lot.

Am glad you overcame yours
Steem on!

It's nice to be back. I miss all of you guys. Life really is full of challenges isn't it? All we can really do is accept them as they come, and find ways to overcome them. Thanks for your ongoing love and support my dear friend. How are you doing? And what's new with you?

Thank you too for still having us on your mind despite the challenges.

Well, I have been trying as much as I could to accumulate get more steem power and accumulate enough steem in order to get a new device cause this one am currently using is no longer functioning properly.

How about your son? Hope he's doing good?

Sorry i missed the last question. He is doing good all things considered. His moms currently in rehab again. But he's staying really strong and is mentally sound. Thank you for your concern and once again I'm sorry I missed your question.

No problem dear friend.

It's so sad to know that his mum has gone back to rehab. I hope she recovers soonest.

You guys are so wonderful, i dont think ill ever be able to forget all the great friends ive met here. What kind of device do you have? And what kind are you looking for? And how much does it cost? Maybe i will be able to help somehow.

Am using an infinix phone with a lower version of 4.4 model which limits my performance and activities. A looking for an ugraded version with at least 6.0.

I have a particular phone on my mind - infinix note 4 - and It would cost about 160 SBD at this current rate of Dollar.

That's not very cheap. But i looked up the device on line and it looks REALLY nice. I'm going to see if i can help brother.

Yeah, it's a mid range phone and the price is fair considering the features. The camera is also nice which would be good for me to capture my finished works.

Thanks for your concern. Am grateful.

Also do you have a paypal account? Im going to help as much as i can.

Do you haVe the ability to cash your SBD into fiat cash?

It's good to see you back, friend. I've been wondering where you were. It seems like you have lots of hope and confidence right now, enough to kick whatever is plaguing you in the butt. I wish I had your optimism.

It's good to see that you're still here like dear friend. I was wondering who may have left while I was in my absence. I'm doing very well right now. And I feel like I could conquer the world. I think still going kind of tough for you? If so, stay strong my dear brother and you will get through it. Life is full of seasons, they always change and none last forever. You could turn the corner tomorrow, and your life could change forever. We never know what tomorrow holds.

welcome back.. life's a bitch sometimes.. but we all go through it.. some more than others ;)

hugs !

First, thanks for the hugs! And secondly, life is a b**** sometimes isn't it! Thanks for being here for me my dear friend and for all the love and support. I hope all is well for you. How have you been and is there anything new going on with you?

just grinding through..still cant open a bank account.. go figure.

What kind of a bank account? A crypto or just a regular one? And what is standing in your way?

What is the problem your facing?

It is always a great sight to meet you here old friend. I have not been quite consistent on the platform too myself. Welcome back and i look forward to interacting with you as usual here on the platform. Hope Evan is doing just fine.

Same to you, it's always nice seeing people who are genuine. I really have missed being here. Hopefully I'll be able to stick along for the ride a little longer this time. And Evan is doing okay. His mom has been to jail and now back to rehab again since the last time we talked. She missed his birthday, which upset him a little bit, but I think he has grown used to what she is. He never cried.

Oh so sorry to hear about his mom...
I guess he is growing up and managing the situation well and like the strong man he is. Really glad to hear from you again old friend. I wish his mom makes a quick recovery..

Welcome back and so happy to see you! I've been missing you and I was super happy to see you post again!

As far as things going on, you haven't missed much... but I do want to work with you on playing a Steemmonster team so you can get a little fun around here (no cost to you) ... :)

Talk to you soon and very glad to see you (i'm repeating myself because I want to make that point) :P

Truthfully its good to be back. Its almost bedtime here for me, so i don't have too much time. I stopped by your place and tried catching up on the FORK, sounds like it was quite the debacle. 😁 kind of glad i missed it.... I may have lost my composure... Again. Annnyway, not sure i have time to learn all the steem monster stuff and play it. You'll have to fill me in. I was reading some of a post they put out about how to play, but i lost interest because I just wanted to stop by all my friends places and catch up. I hope to talk to you more real soon. I also hope all os well for you.

Don't worry about reading any of my posts... You haven't missed a thing... And when you get more time message me on discord... I can fill you in on all I have to tell you in less than 4 mins ;)

It really is good to see you again and I'm so happy you are back :)

Yeah right... Don't read any of your posts. Are you busy tonight? Ill try to contact you in DM if so.

Nope I'll be here for the next 3 or 4 hrs... Let me know on discord if you're around, if not... lets catch up this weekend!

Ohhh and the only thing you need to know about the Hard Fork is don't vote anyone before 15 min... that is the new rule to follow ;)

Yeah, doomsday filled me in on that as soon as i got back. ☺

Welcome back man. Yeah If you 0 min vote now all the curation gets burned. it goes up in a linear fashion on how much gets burned to 15 minutes
Author always gets 75% now

Nice to hear from you again. Sorry to hear that life has thrown a spanner into the works. Hope all is well, or, at least settled now. Rest assured it will all pass and all will be well again.
I do not have enough tech knowledge to really know what's going on - except that Steem has made some adjustments and they are still ironing out the kinks. I will just do what I do best and let nature takes its course. :-)

Thanks for the reply,. Things have definitely been calming down. And its getting better. And im going to spend some time trying to figure out what all has changed. Hopefully it helps us with getting more people here and with retaining them, whatever it changed. A little value hike in Steem would be nice as well. ☺

Welcome back my friend now you do great articles..don't live me again in the air ok! the reason why i'am not active steemians because lots of QUESTIONS about HF20 and loosing voting rate ...will anyway like i said my friend WILL COME BACK

So good to see you're still here! I will never leave(not forever) I may have to take breaks from time to time due to life. But i have a discord channel, and you are always welcome to find me there, should you need me. The link to it is here-- https://discord.gg/UzvQM5S

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