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RE: Where Do We Head From Here?

in #imagine4 years ago

Hey, @whatsup.

More apps that bring different experiences would be good. I guess I'm saying we don't need many more blogging platforms or clones of existing social media platforms, even. Unique experiences, beyond the ability to earn, hold and trade crypto.

Apps that expand on what's here, take the utility or use cases to a different stage.

I think the focus, at least in word, has been on content. I'm not so sure about in deed, though, since everything done so far (with the exception, I would say, of Communities) has been to put the emphasis on curation, which isn't the same. Making the most on rewards is not the same as promoting value in content.

What probably could be looked at are ways to get posts on trending that come from different communities but not necessarily via upvotes. I think the resteem is the most underused mechanism we have, but to mention it as a tool for trending instead of upvoting brings on discussions of multiple alt accounts, and not any real talk about what could be done instead.

I agree that value is in the eye of the beholder. I also believe we shouldn't be chasing exclusively that elusive quality content. The problem we run into with casual content—a single picture post, a meme, sharing a post, etc.—is the value ratio. We already have casual posting—Actifit has to fall into that category, along with most Dlike posts, and we both remember dmania.

Even if there was more casual content, I'd rather doubt you'd see it making what blog posts do simply because of that value ratio to effort and originality. It would probably need to have it's own reward pool, or barring that, simply not dump into the STEEM new and trending pages.

I'm really not sure what the answer to that one is going to be. We don't really get rewards on comments as much as we could, especially the more thoughtful ones, and if there is anything resembling casual content on a regular basis here, it's the commentary that actually does ensue on posts.

As it is, I think we all need to know where we stand with the current iteration of STEEM, and where it stands with us. We the community might have ideas, but it's obvious that Steemit, Inc. does too, and they're carrying on, from what I can tell, on their own. I don't think there's anything inherently bad about that, but it's not what we're used to seeing. The initiatives and blog challenges have always been community based.

So, good questions. Maybe I offered some answers? :)


I'm just glad to start considering.

My view has always been casual posting, rewarding endusers and actually being nice to them.

re: considering

Oh, certainly not trying to dissuade here. I definitely think it's a good thing. Better than sitting around bickering, or reading others doing it. So counter productive.

re: casual posting

Post don't need to be essays to hold value. If people want to comment on a topic, it's probably best not to hit them with 1,000 words. Start the discussion, let others participate.

My intent here is to just say that the value ratio, or whatever we should call it, is going to be an ongoing issue, and a moving target. Realizing that, though, might help.

In your case, you've always come up with interesting topics (to me, anyway), and so whether you call it casual posting or not, I'd say if it's getting eyeballs and causing others to engage on it, it's working, because people are finding value in it.

Simply sharing memes all day, or links or a photo without anything else at all. I don't know. Over time, value is going to drop. Which is what you would think it would do in an open market, anyway.

I think the resteem is the most underused mechanism we have

I totally agree with this. I've asked why aren't we rewarded for pushing other content users content out.

Hey, @steemitqa.

re: rewarded

In all honesty, I'm surprised it wasn't given some kind of ability to reward. I'd like to think that someone thought it would be best not to, though, since everything else we do here is based on upvotes or stake weight.

I know the reputation ranking is considered to be broken by most, but having resteems a part of that would make sense to me, if we were to ever find value in reps. Having the resteems dictate what's on trending makes more sense to me, too. We'd just have to have an answer for the alt account issue.

That is, if we're concerned with the 'purity' of the system, which is what I think we've been saying all along with people self-upvoting, bid botting or circle voting their way up there. Or even getting there the way most people curate (getting the most they can out of curation rather than whether the post should be on trending).

Since they fixed the way resteems show up in a feed (just once even if multiple people do it), resteems could be used so much more than they are. And if they were tied to reputation (be it curator, creator or both), maybe the curation rewards could be higher for the first person to resteem.

I don't know all the ramifications of any of that. I'm sure someone could point them out. I'd rather, though, if any of it is a good idea, or could work, how do we get there? :)

In all honesty, I'm surprised it wasn't given some kind of ability to reward. I'd like to think that someone thought it would be best not to, though, since everything else we do here is based on upvotes or stake weight.

I was told this early on as the reason as to why it was never implemented.

I know the reputation ranking is considered to be broken by most, but having resteems a part of that would make sense to me, if we were to ever find value in reps. Having the resteems dictate what's on trending makes more sense to me, too. We'd just have to have an answer for the alt account issue.

Yes, to bad the rep. system was never better utilized. I agree RS is a signal the user finds the content valuable even if they don't want to reward it with money they at least could make it a signal it has virality to it and treat it as such.

I don't know all the ramifications of any of that. I'm sure someone could point them out. I'd rather, though, if any of it is a good idea, or could work, how do we get there? :)

Well, maybe we can convince the power's that be to help us develop something around this 😄 . Good discussion and thanks for replying!

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